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‎𐀔 . . . Welcome our painting customers! Come on, send art that you find interesting to @artslyform to make payment. @arslyes for archive and for our beautiful painting mutuals, please send a message u want to help @artslybot.
work hours : 10.00 - 21.00

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anw Slyis, berhubung sudah malam dan besok adalah hari s e n i n jadi mari kita tidur lebih awal karna barang siapa yang melakukan hari seninnya dengan ikhlas, maka esoknya adalah hari selasa😍 met bobo slyis!!!

Slyis, jangan lupa dicek kupu kupu yang berterbangannya yaa!!

Slyis! kaget ga? kaget dong hehe, @artsly finally discount setelah sekian lama hehe. ah iya kalau kalian ga paham sama sistem discount nya, jadi untuk pembelian icons akan mendapat potongan harga sebesar 2.000 loh. misal nih kamu beli icons harga 6.000 tapi kamu cukup bayar harga 4.000 aja! eits tapi potongan harganya hanya berlaku untuk icons saja ya!! tunggu apalagi Slyis! yuk jajan!(≧▽≦)

Mutual HFW yaa, for feedback bisa ke @artslybot❤️‍🔥

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[ to all the mail carriers and in our proud, to be presented your proud museum, Thank you for accepting one of the messages in our painting ]

for all lovers of art that is not limited to just one work. We @artsly want to present an event that is very fun to join us. It is a very eye-catching discount IDR 2000 for the art named icons, all artists queue to get it. are you also interested in following it? don't miss it, this discount starts on october 23, 2022, at 02.00 p.m. lots of people want to grab this discount, so make sure you get one. and, you should know that the viewer indicates that you are someone who appreciates the work through images and other types of art. thank you for reading and participating in our event. hopefully, on another occasion, you can follow it again. have a nice day!

selamat pagi slyis! weekend gini enaknya jajan gak sih? ya pasti dong, yuk jajan!!! (≧▽≦)

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