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Forward from: Fashposting
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Forward from: The Apollonian
Every culture that has lost myth has lost, by the same token, its natural healthy creativity. Only a horizon ringed about with myths can unify a culture. The forces of imagination and the Apollonian dream are saved only by myth from indiscriminate rambling. The images of myth must be the daemonic guardians, ubiquitous but unnoticed, presiding over the growth of the child’s mind and interpreting to the mature man his life and struggles.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Forward from: Thuletide
Degeneration Theory:

A forerunner of the modern '
spiteful mutant' theory was coined in the mid-1800s by the psychiatrist Benedict Morel (see also: behavioral sink)...

In France during the 1800s, there was a significant rise in criminality, as well as mental and physical illness. Morel attempted to discover the root causes of these problems by studying insane asylum patients.

He found that the mentally disabled were often stricken with physical abnormalities or deformities and that most patients in the asylum had some sort of physical abnormality, among which he included things like facial asymmetry.

He concluded that physical and mental ailments were somehow linked and heritable and that they became progressively worse in each generation. If the problem was not somehow resolved, this would lead to a progressively more neurotic and criminal population.

So, Morel seemed to originate the theory that some people are just genetically messed up, with incurable psychological problems.

Morel's theory was very influential in the late 1800s. It contributed to ideas of social degeneracy being a form of mental illness, but also to eugenics, social Darwinism, "scientific racism," etc.

The most famous work on this issue, as far as I know, was Degeneration (1892) by Max Nordau, which was dedicated to Morel. In Degeneration, Nordau attacked social degeneracy as decadent contempt for traditional customs and morality and discussed the impact of various societal developments, like rapid urbanization.

Nordau was Jewish and the co-founder of the World Zionist Organization. So, naturally, he included "anti-Semitism" as a form of "degeneration" but his other takes were in line with the general Right-Wing sentiments in Europe at the time. Degeneration was not particularly unique or original.

Shockingly, Morel's theory was rejected by psychologists like Freud, who offered the first real "scientific" contestation to Degeneration Theory, and is currently considered "outdated" by modern psychologists.

Anyway, to wrap things up, I'm always surprised by how similar late 1800s thinkers are to modern Right-Wingers. They were clearly dealing with all of the same problems that we are, but in a significantly diluted form. They couldn't even begin to imagine how bad things have gotten today.

We live in a genetic wasteland.

That smile. That self-loathing smile.

Forward from: 🐙Lovecraft's Cat🐙
Now that I'm finally a Real Boy™ life will be a breeze. I'll have all the toxic male privilege that school told me about.

More than just a side note, fitness is the basis of our revolution. Don’t become yet another talking racial conservative. Get busy.

Forward from: RWDS Fitness
PSA to all White nationalists: Stop being fat. No excuses. Your physique, strength, and fitness level should be a recruitment tool for our cause.

Additionally, being physically fit and healthy is a benefit to your family and your race. They need you to be fit and strong.


Forward from: Ethnonationalism
“What is good? Everything that enhances one’s feeling of power, will to power, power itself. What is bad? Everything stemming from weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that some resistance has been overcome. Not contentedness, but more power; not peace, but war; not virtue, but prowess. The weak and the failures should perish: first principle of our love of humanity. And they should be helped to do this.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

This is said out of love! Greatness is above pity!

Forward from: Ethnonationalism
“The higher ought not to abase itself as a tool of the lower, the pathos of distance ought to ensure that their tasks are kept seperate for all eternity! Their right to be there, the priority of the bell with a clear ring over the discordant and cracked one, is clearly a thousand times greater: the alone are the guarantors of the future, they alone have a bounden duty to man’s future. What they can do, what they should do, is something the sick must never do: but so that they can do what only they should, why should they still be free to play doctor, comforter, and ‘saviour’ to the sick?” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Rise! Stop worrying about the masses.

Forward from: Internet puke
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Forward from: European Tribalism - Mythology, European culture, survival
On memes

I am not a big fan of memes, but this one nails it.

Although there is this an ongoing debate about how so called 'natives' are good, because they represent some environmentally friendly ideal, there are no non-European 'natives' which could compete with us if we would embrace our true power.

Australian aboriginals, Dravidians and African aboriginals can be seen as mammal living in their respective habitats, without the drive to explore or to conquer, which is inherent to us.


Forward from: Femoids Unleashed
Based CeltIberian Woman

Believe it or not a lot of our society is driven by this sort of sentiment. Women are primary consumers, and with universal suffrage they’re the key voting base too.


Forward from: Wandering Spartan
"He made the maidens exercise their bodies in running, wrestling, casting the discus, and hurling the javelin, in order that the fruit of their wombs might have vigorous root in vigorous bodies and come to better maturity, and that they themselves might come with vigour to the fulness of their times, and struggle success­fully and easily with the pangs of child-birth. He freed them from softness and delicacy and all effeminacy by accustoming the maidens no less than the youths to wear tunics only in processions, and at certain festivals to dance and sing when the young men were present as spectators.

There they sometimes even mocked and railed good-naturedly at any youth who had misbehaved himself; and again they would sing the praises of those who had shown themselves worthy, and so inspire the young men with great ambition and ardour. For he who was thus extolled for his valour and held in honour among the maidens, went away exalted by their praises; while the sting of their playful raillery was no less sharp than that of serious admonitions, especially as the kings and senators, together with the rest of the citizens, were all present at the spectacle.

Nor was there anything disgraceful in this scant clothing of the maidens, for modesty attended them, and wantonness was banished; nay, rather, it produced in them habits of simplicity and an ardent desire for health and beauty of body. It gave also to woman-kind a taste of lofty sentiment, for they felt that they too had a place in the arena of bravery and ambition. Wherefore they were led to think and speak as Gorgo, the wife of Leonidas, is said to have done. When some foreign woman, as it would seem, said to her: "You Spartan women are the only ones who rule their men," she answered: "Yes, we are the only ones that give birth to men."

— Plutarch, The Life of Lycurgus

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