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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Ayol -madrasadir, ummat tarbiyachisidir.
🎯IELTS C1( L9/ S8), CEFR C1(2×), TESOL
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❌Spending more time in watching TV as a source of entertainment is not beneficial on children.
✅Spending more time watching TV as a source of entertainment is not beneficial for children.
✅ Spending more time watching TV as a source of entertainment is not beneficial to children.

❌ The government should spend more money for health and education.
✅ The government should spend more money on health and education.

Usage is very idiomatic: you spend time doing something, you spend time with your family or your friends, and you spend money on things. As regards beneficial, both beneficial to and beneficial for are correct.



📌When you write about people or things in general, do NOT use the with plural nouns, and of course do not forget the plural -s.

❌ The teenagers can benefit from doing work experience if it is only part-time and properly supervised.
❌Teenager can benefit from doing work experience if it is only part-time and properly supervised.
Teenagers can benefit from doing work experience if it is only part-time and properly supervised.

❌ The cars emit gases which are harmful to the environment.
❌ Car emit gases which are harmful to the environment.
Cars emit gases which are harmful to the environment.



📌Some words do not use the, while some others do. You need to learn which ones do and which ones do not.

❌ Government should spend more money on protecting environment.
The government should spend more money on protecting the environment.

❌ Crime in the society has risen in recent years mainly due to poverty.
✅ Crime in society has risen in recent years mainly due to poverty.

❌Many people turn to the religion in times of need.
✅ Many people turn to religion in times of need.


-Kalom qayerdan chiqsa, òsha yerga ta'sir qiladi, deb eshitganman. Sizning sòzlaringiz qalbdan chiqqani uchun ham borar joyi yana qalbdir,- dedi Sulton Murod.

"Men" Fotih Duman


Assalamu alaykum va rohmatulloh.

👩‍💻IELTS Grammar week.
⏳During one week.

📆 Start date: 06.11.2023
⏰Only ten minutes(21:00- 21:10)
💻 Online.
❌ No recording


✅7 Types of sentences
✅7 Punctuation rules
✅7 complex structures
✅7 types of linking devices

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📍 @Asiyasblog 🍂

Unconditional love - Unconditional respect.



"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."
- Alan Lakein

Alice: Would you tell me, please, which why I ought to go from here?
Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,
Alice: I don't much care where
Cat: Then it doesn't matter which way you go

We should have a lifelong plan, but be ready to leave this dunya today. We shouldn't never and ever forget our last destination.


Qilmagan bir ishimiz qoldi, u-da bòlsa amal qilmoqlik.

- va'da beramiz, ammo unutamiz yokida unutganga solamiz òzimizni.

-reja qilamiz, ammo kechiktiramiz.

- boshqalarga òrgatamiz, ammo òzimiz amal qilmaymiz.


Intizomning birinchi qoidasi istamagan narsangizga kònikish.

Chunki intizomni tabiatingiz xohlamaydi aniq u. Bir kun 11da uxlagiz keladi, bir kun 2gacha gaplashib òtirgiz keladi.
Har qanday narsada inson òzini kamida bir oy majburlashi kerak- intizomli bòlishga. Keyin natijani kòradi.

Husayn Buxoriy ustoz.


Inson odamlardan uzoqlashib, tafakkur qilish uchun yolģiz qolsa, Allohga yaqinlashadi.

Nafs: Men esa bunday bòlishini xohlamayman, chunki inson Allohga yaqinlashgan sari mendan uzoqlashadi!

Ehtimol, yolģizlik - yolģiz qola olmaslikdir?

"Men" Fotih Duman


Bir narsani xohlash bilan òsha ishni qilish boshqa-boshqa narsa ekanini tushunib turibman...
Tavba, meni tòxtatib turgan, yòlimni tòsgan òsha nafsimmikan? Qaydam..

" Men" Fotih Duman.



1.Go small. Don't focus on being busy; focus on being productive. Allow what matters most to drive your day.

2.Go extreme. Once you have figured out what actually matters, keep asking matters most until there is only ONE thing left. That core activity goes at the top of your success list.

3.Say no. Whether you " later" or " never" , the point is to say " not now" to anything else you could do until your most important work is done.

Sometimes it's the first thing you do. Sometimes it's the only thing you do. Regardless, doing the most important thing is always the most important thing.

"THE ONE THING" Gary Keller with Jay Papasan.


"Nomai a'molingni o'qi! bu kun o'z nafsing o'zingga qarshi yetarli xisobchidir"

-Ey nafsim! Sen kimsan?
-Yomon amalni chiroyli ko'rsatuvchi, uni qilishing uchun orzu-havas, kibr, nafrat qo'zg'atuvchi nafs..

"Men" Fotih Duman


Rostdan ham, insonning ko'zi uzoqdagi narsani ko'rishga urinavergani uchun yonginasidagi narsani ko'ra olmaydi!

"Men" Fotih Duman.

Rasululloh sollallohu alayhi wa sallam dedilar:

"Quyosh chiqqan kunning eng yaxshisi Juma kunidir. Unda Odam yaratildi va unda u Jannatga kiritildi. Unda u Jannatdan chiqarildi. Qiyomat kuni ham faqatgina Juma kuni qoyim bo'lur". (Imom Muslim rivoyati)

Bugunning eng yaxshi kalimalaridan esa:

Allohumma sollallohu wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.


Ibodating - muhabbating, ixlosing, ixtiyoringni o'zida jamlasin.


Kòpchiligimiz unutib qòyadigan sunnat:

Rasululloh sollallohu alayhi vasallam dedilar: “Sizlardan birortangiz taomlanishda o'ng qo'li bilan yesin va o'ng qo'li bilan ichsin. Chunki shayton chap qo‘li bilan yeydi va ichadi."

Termiziy va Abu Dovud rivoyatlari.


Tun qoronģusi kun yoruģligini berkita oladi gunohlarni emas.


Alloh bir quli uchun xayrni murod qilsa, uning tiliga Muhammad sollallohu alayhi vasallamga salovat aytishni oson qiladi.

Ibnul Javziy Rohimahulloh.
Bustonul Vaizin.


Muvaffaqiyat kaliti - har bir narsani tòģri bajarishda emas, balkim tòģri ishni bajara bilishda.

O'sha to'g'ri ish nima o'zi? Bu sizning hozirgi tutgan pozitsiyangizga qarab belgilanadi.
- maqsadingiz aniq bo'lsa, unga erishish uchun qadam bosish.
-maqsadingiz aniq bòlmasa siz uchun tòģri ish bu avval uni (maqsadni) topishlik.


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