Synchronously the moonlight shines resplendent streaks of virtue in blue-brine that serenely hits the nethermost of glebe. Victorious saga with new combat is back, origin latitude for all phenomenal charms to begin. There have been some regulations you should never ever break, but we still do open our gates. Our dormitory solely formed to Roleplayer muses from the year of
1990-1999 and we accept
all genders. We don't tolerate second accounts for any purposes or spies to join our circle of friends; we only permit main accounts. Check the taken list
here to see whether the slots are still available while using the face-claim of the character we've established. Allowing you to introduce yourself, the character on the next side of this nomination letter. Trust that's upheld and prospering from phosphorescent white silhouettes and dashing water, text
@AvalechestBot with your alacrity to join us.