This host has an Israeli name but looks more Middle Eastern than Ashkenazi, but he TALKS like a NYC Italian mafioso. He’s bringing on the editor of Epoch Times, whom I’ve not looked deeply at but I suspect shenanigans. I think Epoch Times is one of these (((publications))) used to push their little agendas and especially appeal to the easy to dupe Christian demographic.
Here the Israeli-American interviews this Messianic publisher about the fall of communist China and right at the beginning they use persecution of Christians and Muslims as the reason to get people riled up.
What they’re doing is giving Christianity and Islam a common enemy so they will begin to think as a unit.
All of this is in line with my theory of Abrahamism as the most honed and developed form of Monism in use now to drive the Monad One World.
You are going to see Muslims and Christians urged to merge more and more. Abrahamic religions will be reunited into one unit for global population management and mind control.
Christianity and Islam are both being pushed in the East. It’s easy to find info on Indians resisting the Chrislamic Borg. South Korea has transformed to nearly 50% Christian in the last half century. It will be like the now Muslim Indonesia, a cultural genocide.
Any resistance movement that opposes globalism by embracing global ideology (Christianity) is either very stupid or working a scam.
But just be aware, the trickery is so very clever. People are not expecting deception so they don’t see it coming.
Here the Israeli-American interviews this Messianic publisher about the fall of communist China and right at the beginning they use persecution of Christians and Muslims as the reason to get people riled up.
What they’re doing is giving Christianity and Islam a common enemy so they will begin to think as a unit.
All of this is in line with my theory of Abrahamism as the most honed and developed form of Monism in use now to drive the Monad One World.
You are going to see Muslims and Christians urged to merge more and more. Abrahamic religions will be reunited into one unit for global population management and mind control.
Christianity and Islam are both being pushed in the East. It’s easy to find info on Indians resisting the Chrislamic Borg. South Korea has transformed to nearly 50% Christian in the last half century. It will be like the now Muslim Indonesia, a cultural genocide.
Any resistance movement that opposes globalism by embracing global ideology (Christianity) is either very stupid or working a scam.
But just be aware, the trickery is so very clever. People are not expecting deception so they don’t see it coming.