“There is no Jew or Greek (race), nor slave or free (class), nor male or female (?!) for all are ONE in Christ Jesus.” Gal 3 25.
The dehumanization homogenization into the Borg machine is part of the Monad’s plan from the beginning.
The old man from Crow House is ANGRY. Never seen him like this before. After he walks about the over sexualization of children for governmental takeover of breeding, google image search for Philip Glass’ Aknaten opera and look at the real historical statues of Akhenaten.
The dehumanization homogenization into the Borg machine is part of the Monad’s plan from the beginning.
The old man from Crow House is ANGRY. Never seen him like this before. After he walks about the over sexualization of children for governmental takeover of breeding, google image search for Philip Glass’ Aknaten opera and look at the real historical statues of Akhenaten.