📝 @.dn jangan lupa lgsg drop as ya sayang
102. The Madame, Aurelia @secxondlife: @Secxondlife as adek
imaan, @cowokb: @cowokb ketos
aceng 🇸🇮 @b4gjingan: as abang
👥 3 people of 2 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board
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jalur haram :
@sentimentalboi as pacar
@saelzi as lil sist
@astqeroids as bestie yang selalu ribet kalo diajak jalan
102. The Madame, Aurelia @secxondlife: @Secxondlife as adek
imaan, @cowokb: @cowokb ketos
aceng 🇸🇮 @b4gjingan: as abang
👥 3 people of 2 have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board
🚫 This poll is closed...
jalur haram :
@sentimentalboi as pacar
@saelzi as lil sist
@astqeroids as bestie yang selalu ribet kalo diajak jalan