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ꪻꦸ new asp 🧚🏻💗 ༢༘
green caterpillars 🐛💚
- unlimited subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
yellow bee 🐝💛
- unlimited subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
brown owl 🦉🤎
- unlimited subscribers
- quotes / wallpaper channel only
- have special seat
black panda 🐼🖤
- unlimited subscribers
- business channel only
- have special seat
white swan 🦢🤍
- 100 - 200 subsribers
- all channel
- have special seat
pink flamingo 🦩💗
- 100 - 200 subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
red octopus 🐙❤️
- 100 - 200 subscribers
- quotes / wallpaper channel only
- have special seat
grey elephant 🐘🤍
- searching admin
- all channel
- no special seat
purple unicorn 🦄💜
- 300 - 500+ subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
red ladybug 🐞❤️
- 1k + subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
wanna join this asp ? pm
@joiinasp_bot 💘
give me your
username channel -
username creator -
desc - limit 5 words
list janji kemas 📌
green caterpillars 🐛💚
- unlimited subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
yellow bee 🐝💛
- unlimited subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
brown owl 🦉🤎
- unlimited subscribers
- quotes / wallpaper channel only
- have special seat
black panda 🐼🖤
- unlimited subscribers
- business channel only
- have special seat
white swan 🦢🤍
- 100 - 200 subsribers
- all channel
- have special seat
pink flamingo 🦩💗
- 100 - 200 subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
red octopus 🐙❤️
- 100 - 200 subscribers
- quotes / wallpaper channel only
- have special seat
grey elephant 🐘🤍
- searching admin
- all channel
- no special seat
purple unicorn 🦄💜
- 300 - 500+ subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
red ladybug 🐞❤️
- 1k + subscribers
- all channel
- have special seat
wanna join this asp ? pm
@joiinasp_bot 💘
give me your
username channel -
username creator -
desc - limit 5 words
list janji kemas 📌