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Good morning, B.nuchata! I decided to cook PRZH, but one ingredient is missing...👵

Remind me, what is the most important one?

1⃣ Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

2⃣ The dough

3⃣ A pinch of love🧡

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Dobroe utro, B.nuchata! Reshila prigotovit' PRZH no ne hvataet odnogo ingredienta...👵

Napomnite, kakoj samyj glavnyj?

1⃣. Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

2⃣. Testo

3⃣. Shchepotka lyubvi🧡

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Hello, my beloved B.nuchata! Haven't you forgotten about your B.appka yet?👵

I really hope not, your darling is a little sick, but she will soon get back on her feet and we will have fun like real pensioners!

While I was sick, my $PRZH fell in price, but it doesn't matter, because now more B.nuchat will be able to try them.🧡

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh/

Zdravstvujte, moi lyubimye V.nuchata! Vy eshche ne zabyli o svoej B.appke?👵
Ya ochen' nadeyus', chto net, vasha nenaglyadnaya nemnogo pribolela, no skoro vstanet na nogi, i my budem veselit'sya, kak nastoyashchie pensionery!

Poka ya bolela, moi $PRZH upali v cene, no eto ne imeet znacheniya, potomu chto teper' eshche bol'she V.nuchat smogut ih poprobovat'.🧡

Well, B.nuchata, B.appka didn’t even have time to blink an eye, and spring is already around the corner!👵

Nature blossoms just like B.appka v2.0 in the hands of cyber-B.nuchat!

It's warm outside in spring, I even want to cook $PRZH outdoors ❤️

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Nu chto vnuchata, B.appka glazom morgnut' ne uspela, a uzhe vesna na dvore! Priroda rascvetaet takzhe kak B.appka v2.0 v rukah cyber-B.nuchat!

Na ulice po vesennemu teplo, dazhe hochetsya prigotovit' $PRZH na otkrytom vozduhe ❤️

How are you, B.nuchata?👵

"Maslenitsa" is coming, "blini" are getting more expensive, and $PRZH from B.appka is at the juiciest prices and with the most delicious filling!

I congratulate you on this bright holiday and wish you goodness, love, and that $PRZH in your pockets becomes even tastier!❤️

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Kak dela, B.nuchata?👵

Maslenica idyot, bliny dorozhayut a $PRZH ot B.appka po samym sochnym cenam i s samoj vkusnoj nachinkoj!

Pozdravlyayu vas so svetlym prazdnikom i zhelayu vam dobra, lyubvi i chtoby $PRZH v vashih karmanah stanovilis' eshche vkusnee!❤️

What do you think, B.nuchata, is the most productive thing you can do before B.appka gets back online?👵

Right! Line your pockets with $PRZH while they're at a discount!🛍

Don't wait for the right moment, B.nuchok, because it's already here!

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Kak dumaete, B.nuchata, chto samoe produktivnoe mozhno sdelat' pered tem kak B.appka snova vernyotsya v stroj?👵

Pravil'no! Nabit' karmany $PRZH poka oni po skidke!🛍

Ne zhdi podhodyashchego momenta, B.nuchok, ved' on uzhe nastal!

B.nuchata, don't disappoint B.appka! Her blood pressure dropped in the evening. 👵

All the $PRZH that one gluttonous B.nuchok ate today (goy) will be bought off with the release of B.appka v2.0!

And even more!

Don't forget that B.appka treats those who walk and steak well!❤️

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

B.nuchata, ne razocharovyvajte B.appka! A to u neyo pod vecher davlenie upalo 👵

Vse pirozhki kotorye segodnya s"el odin prozhorlivyj vnuchok (goy) budut otkupleni s relizom B.appka v2.0!

Dazhe bol'she!

Ne zabyvaem o tom chto B.appka horosho otnositsya k tem kto hodit i stejkaet!❤️

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My dear B.nuchata!

🟥Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be brave, strong and always honest people.

May health, happiness and luck always be near, and love for our relatives and our Motherland burns in heart. I am proud of you, my dears! Happy holidays!

With love, your B.appka.🧡

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Dorogie moi B.nuchata!
🟥Pozdravlyayu vas s Dnyom zashchitnika Otechestva! Zhelayu vam byt' smelymi, krepkimi i vsegda chestnymi lyud'mi. Pust' zdorov'e, schast'e i udacha vsegda budut ryadom, a v serdce gorit lyubov' k rodnym i nashej Rodine. Gorzhus' vami, moi dorogie! S prazdnikom!

S lyubov'yu, vasha babushka.🧡

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B.appka wishes all B.nuchata a great weekend!👵

Relax, eat delicious $PRZH and be sure to remember their secret ingredient:

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

B.appka zhelaet vsem B.nuchatam otlichnyh vyhodnyh!👵

Otdohnite, poesh'te vkusnyh $PRZH i obyazatel'no pomnite ih sekretnyj ingredient:

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

B.appka's knees hurt and she constantly wants to sleep, it seems like it's going to rain!☔️

🟥Rain of $PRZH in Token Rain!

B.appka constantly monitors precipitation in @AURAxCRYPTOBOT and recommends you to do the same, in case abnormal precipitation starts there!👵

DexS | Trade | CHAT | Stake

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

U B.appki bolyat koleni i postoyanno hochetsya spat', kazhetsya eto k dozhdyu!☔️

🟥Dozhdyu iz $PRZH v Token Rain!

B.appka postoyanno nablyudaet za osadkami v @AURAxCRYPTOBOT i vam rekomenduet, vdrug tam nachnutsya anomal'nye osadki!👵

So the B.appka Trading Competition has come to an end!🏆

And we have a leaderboard! Here are the most active B.nuchata, and simultaneously in both categories:

1⃣ EQCekwiqG75K...RVMhcFIOp8Kj


3⃣ EQADFbFSJsbL...Wb2qXFK7ly70

B.appka thanks everyone for participating and will send prizes to the winners within a week❤️

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Vot i podoshyol k koncu B.appka Trading Competition!🏆

I u nas est' liderbord! Vot samye aktivnye B.nuchata, prichem odnovremenno v oboih kategoriyah:

1⃣ EQCekwiqG75K...RVMhcFIOp8Kj

2⃣ EQAuWfFW9PU...fdp8cOBY8Md

3⃣ EQADFbFSJsbL...Wb2qXFK7ly70

B.appka blagodarit vsekh za uchastie i otpravit prizy pobeditelyam v techenie nedeli ❤️

Pirozh Coin BUY! — Dedust


🔀 30.00 TON ($108.51) — 228.00 Holders
🔀 37,486.87 PRZH

👤 UQA...mDji: New!➖Txn
💵 MarketCap: $289,461

📈 Listing➖🔀 Buy➖📊 Chart

Pirozh Coin BUY! — Dedust


🔀 50.00 TON ($180.85) — 228.00 Holders
🔀 67,702.21 PRZH

👤 UQD...FZ9c: New!➖Txn
💵 MarketCap: $267,126

📈 Listing➖🔀 Buy➖📊 Chart

🏆A few hours until the end of B.appka Trading Competition!🏆

🟥B.nuchata traders don't stop fighting even now!

Maybe you should jump into the last car, too!👵


Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Schitannye chasy do konca B.appka Trading Competition!🏆

🟥B.nuchata trejdery ne perestayut borot'sya dazhe sejchas!

Mozhet i tebe stoit zaprygnut' v poslednij vagon?👵

Pirozh Coin BUY! — Dedust


🔀 110.00 TON ($400.42) — 228.00 Holders
🔀 151,750.20 PRZH

👤 UQA...Y57Y: New!➖Txn
💵 MarketCap: $263,869

📈 Listing➖🔀 Buy➖📊 Chart

You probably had enough of the delicious $PRZH at @TitantradeBot and chilling now?

What if someone is trading while you are idling, YOU MUST NOT LOSE YOUR GRIP❗️

If you forgot that B.appka awards the winners, then we will remind you about the prizes:

🎁Prizes in two categories:

⏺For the biggest purchases of $PRZH
⏺For leadership in the $PRZH/TON pair

1️⃣place - $250

2️⃣place - $100

3️⃣ place - $50

After all, the summing up of the B.appka Trading Championship is already tomorrow!

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Nu kak vy tam, vnuchata?c
Uzhe navernoe naelis' vkusnyh PRZH v @TitantradeBot i otdyhaete?

A vdrug kto-to trejdit poka vy bezdel'nichaete, nel'zya teryat' hvatku!

Esli vy zabyli chto B.appka nagrazhdaet pobeditelej, to napomnim o prizah:

🎁Prizy v dvuh kategoriyah:

⏺Za samye bol'shie pokupki $PRZH
⏺Za liderstvo v pare $PRZH/TON

1️⃣mesto - $250

2️⃣mesto - $100

3️⃣mesto - $50

Ved' podvedenie itogov B.appka Trading Championship uzhe zavtra!

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Average B.nuchata who trade their $PRZH on @TitanTradeBot ❤️

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

Tipichniye B.nuchata, kotoriye torguyut $PRZH v @TitanTradeBot ❤️

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B.nuchata, aren't you hungry there?

🟥Now is the time to grab a bite of $PRZH and make it PROFITABLE!

Visit @TitanTradeBot and buy hot $PRZH before they get cold!

And what is the benefit❓

🔴You automatically become a member of the Trading Competition and get a chance to win valuable prizes.

🔴If you hold $PRZH and the mCAP rises to 2,000,000, then you participate in the draw of 15,000$

Take a break, eat twix $PRZH👵


Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

B.nuchata, vy tam ne progolodalis'?

🟥Sejchas samoe vremya perekusit' $PRZH i sdelat' eto vygodno!

Zahodi v @TitanTradeBot i pokupaj goryachie $PRZH poka oni ne ostyli!

A v chyom vygoda❓

🔴Ty avtomaticheski stanovish'sya uchastnikom Trading Competition i poluchaesh' shans vyigrat' cennye prizy

🔴Esli ty holdish' $PRZH i mCAP podnimaetsya do 2.000.000 to ty uchastvuesh' v rozygryshe 15.000$

Sdelaj pauzu, skushaj twix $PRZH👵

B.appka loves all B.nuchata, even skaters, but not flippers!👵

🟥Therefore, we remind you that B.appka has a staking of $PRZH with 45-100% per annum!


📌 You're staking

📌 mCap is growing

📌You are participating in a 15K$ raffle!


B.appka lyubit vsekh B.nuchat, dazhe skejterov, no ne flipperov!👵

Poetomu napominaem chto u B.appka est' stejking $PRZH s 45-100% godovyh!

I eto vygodno dlya vas!

📌Vy stejkaete

📌mCap rastyot

📌Vy uchastvuete v rozygryshe 15K$


🔴If your comment lasts until 21:00, you will receive 5 TON!

Running to divide the inheritance in https://t.me/TitanTradingChat

Ca: EQAApxF7dXyVi4BbUsUQLxlOrGJEcnbJrpY6m8XF6sD83mkh

🟥Dopolnim pravila - udvoim priz!🟥

🔴Esli vash kommentarij proderzhitsya do 21:00 vy poluchite 5 TON!

Begom delit' nasledstvo v https://t.me/TitanTradingChat

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