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Forward from: Eurofront
On 25 april 1214, King Louis IX of France was born. During his almost 50 year reign he worked to make peace and justice prevail. His detachment came from his conviction that kingship was not an opportunity to conquer others, or to exploit them for personal enrichment, or to use power to satisfy one's vanity. He believed that his obligations were to serve the Church and to lead his people to eternal salvation.

King Louis participated in two Crusades. He lead the first one and died during the second in Tunis. Because of his piety, his great sense of justice, his dedication during the Crusades and the help that he offered to the poor made him a saint, being canonized by Pope Boniface VIII in 1297.

We thank our comrades in The Baltic Resistance for making this edit more brighter than usual to symbolize the light that Saint Louis brought over the Christian world.

🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹 100 Subscribers 🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪

TBR wants to thank you all for reaching the first 100 subscribers on our channel. It means a lot to us that many people follow us and look at our content. Next step = 200. Thank you all again - Hail Victory!


86 0 1 21 11

🇱🇹 April 21-24th memorial of perished forest brothers 🇱🇹

Please check this list of the forest brothers who perished in their fight against the demonic judeo-bolshevik regime in Lithuania. Keep them in your thoughts and include them in your prayers.


Serve your Fatherland fellow Balt!

Beat the unbeatable. Conquer the unconquerable.

Lithuanian Waffen SS troops operating on the Eastern Front. Speculated to have joined Major Jonas Semaska' group. Major Jonas Semaska managed to breakthrough from the Stalingrad Pocket. 400 Lithuanian soldiers reached Lithuania out of more than 700. 33 fighters received Iron Cross after this action. Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein spontaneously decorated Jonas Semaska with his own.


🇱🇻 Heroes of Latvia 🇱🇻

Honour their sacrifice. Follow their footsteps.


Forward from: Eurofront
"Youth of the free world, you live in an ocean of perils. The communist conspiracy
is soliciting you from every side to give up on the old faiths and ideals, so you won't have left any type of judgement. Without the cardinal points of existence, you won't see what is happening around you, how the enemy is sneaking everywhere and he occupies positions that you have abandoned."- Horia Sima

Our new instagram page

We have recently created a new instagram page to help more people access our content who may not have telegram. Please share it with our baltic brothers and whoever else may be interested, thanks. Instagram - @balticresistance


Forward from: Eurofront
Current affiliated groups:
Straja Neamului🇷🇴
Nat-Synd Akcija🇷🇸
The Baltic Resistance🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪

🇱🇹 April 17-20th memorial of perished forest brothers 🇱🇹

Please check this list of the forest brothers who perished in their fight against the demonic judeo-bolshevik regime in Lithuania. Keep them in your thoughts and include them in your prayers.


The birth of new ideas

133 years ago the man who pioneered National Socialism was born. AH theory and ideas set the tenets and basis for modern white nationalism.


✝️ Easter Sunday ✝️

17 April 2022 Anno Domini

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, His victory over death on this glorious day, Easter Sunday, is a shining and inspiring light to all, except for the darkness that despises Him. Satan and his earthly pawns on earth thought they won, just as our enemies, poisoned with satanic ideas of murdering unborn children, tearing asunder our families, our nations, poisoning our youth and people as a whole, making them apathetic and even against “the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6), think they are winning and “on the right side of history”.

However they will not win, even if it might seem that they have. Even if they are overwhelming and in total control, remember, God exists and He will not give up on us. Hope! Do you think that the early Christians, cruelly persecuted by the Roman Empire, knew, that the Empire would later adopt Christianity as its official religion? What mattered to them was the truth and their unbreakable faith in God. Remember, death is not the end, you have a soul given to you by God. Ensure that you are in a state of grace by mending your ways and going to confession. Receive the Eucharist, Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood, in a state of grace! Otherwise, it is a grave sin that must be confessed to the priest. Have a happy and Holy Easter!


✝️ Holy Friday ✝️

On this day, Christ our lord and saviour was crucified by jewish democracy. Remember our eternal enemies, our cause and serve God with all your heart.


🇱🇹🇱🇻🇪🇪 Reclaim the outdoors 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹

The big problem is that people don't believe a revolution is possible, and it is not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible - Ted K


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🇱🇹 Pakelk galvą, lietuvi! 🇱🇹

Here is a copy of a great booklet created by our national hero Jonas Noreika who was also known as Generolas Vėtra (Eng. - General Storm). It calls for our people to wake up and start supporting their own kind, while blocking out and resisting those who idolize judeo-bolshevism. This is a perfect example for our Baltic folk today, as we are getting closer and closer to national Armageddon. Enjoy the booklet and hail victory!

P.S Sorry for the quality, the only remaining full version of the booklet that I could find is this.


✝️ The Lord's Prayer ✝️

The only prayer that we need in times of subversion, chaos and sin. Keep it with you always and close to your heart.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Tėve mūsų, kuris esi danguje,
teesie šventas Tavo vardas,
teateinie Tavo karalystė,
teesie Tavo valia
kaip danguje, taip ir žemėje.
Kasdienės mūsų duonos duok mums šiandien
ir atleisk mums mūsų kaltes,
kaip ir mes atleidžiame savo kaltininkams.
Ir neleisk mūsų gundyti
bet gelbėk mus nuo pikto.

Mūsu Tēvs debesīs!
Svētīts lai top Tavs vārds.
Lai nāk Tava valstība.
Tavs prāts lai notiek kā debesīs, tā arī virs zemes.
Mūsu dienišķo maizi dod mums šodien.
Un piedod mums mūsu parādus,
Kā arī mēs piedodam saviem parādniekiem.
Un neieved mūs kārdināšanā.
Bet atpestī mūs no ļauna.
Jo Tev pieder valstība, spēks un gods mūžīgi.

Meie Isa, kes Sa oled taevas!
Pühitsetud olgu Sinu nimi. Sinu riik tulgu.
Sinu tahtmine sündigu nagu taevas, nõnda ka maa peal.
Meie igapäevast leiba anna meile tänapäev.
Ja anna meile andeks meie võlad,
nagu meiegi andeks anname oma võlglastele.
Ja ära saada meid kiusatusse,
vaid päästa meid ära kurjast.
Sest Sinu päralt on riik ja vägi ja au igavesti.

May our Lord bring us victory!




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🇱🇹 Lithuanian volunteers in Ukraine 🇱🇹

According to information told to us by our members it is hard to say what the situation is concerning Lithuanian volunteers in Ukraine. However it is known that a lot are preparing for the defence of Kiev, where around 50 volunteers are participating in different units, while others requested to be transferred straight to the brutal front. 8 Lithuanians are participating in the fighting in and around Mariupol, while the foreign legion, which still includes a few Lithuanians, are preparing a counter-offensive on the approaching neo-bolshevist russian horde. The volunteers fight for around 5 hours each day but many are transferring to the official Ukrainian armed forces so they can fight longer at around 8 hours and be more of use. May God watch over our Baltic brothers and protect them against the moskal hordes that are approaching. Hail victory!


🇱🇹 March 11th - Lithuanian Independence Restoration Day 🇱🇹

On this day 32 years ago, our great nation once again regained its independence. We were now free from the tyrannical grips of the judeo-bolshevist USSR and reached to rebuild our nation back to its glorious state. We will prevail against our enemies like we did 32 years ago, our freedom will not be taken again and we will fight to the last drop of our Baltic blood! Hail victory!


🇱🇻🇱🇹 Symbolism 🇱🇹🇱🇻

The mythological svastika of Perkunas symbolizes thunder and joy. Our collective strives to thunderously resist foreign invasion and subversion with help from God almighty. Long live the Baltics and may our lands be blessed with peace, joy and prosperity.


🇱🇻🇱🇹🇺🇦 Help the war effort against judeo-bolshevism 🇺🇦🇱🇹🇱🇻

The only way to support the ongoing fight against judeo-bolshevism without actually fighting is donating to organizations that take up arms against our eternal enemies. Please consider donating if you can!


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