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A little of sweet tale from @banyuasra to people who come and go
Work Time : 08.00 - 22.00
Order/Mutual: @banyusrabot
Owner only: @JungzJaehyun
Beloved assist: @TaewyongLee

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Forward from: Closedown!
BONJOUR! aziek @Ellyseen open ya gengs. owh iya, yang dapet diskon mulai dari icons 5k sampai ke atas ya. send formatnya ke @EIyseen!

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❃. beautiful memory from @banyuasra for someone then we assemble wholeheartedly; #OLDBOOK with a touch of sun classic

Forward from: 𝑬𝑳𝑶𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑵·𝑻
[For our business mutuals and everyone who saw this message, would you help us forward this to your channel? It would means a lot to us, thank you so much

Forward from: JASTIP P.O.S - TODAY AT 04 PM!!
[ dear my business mutuals that I loved and who see this announcement, would you like to help me to spread this message? I'll be very grateful if you want! ]

♡˖ Greetings telelings to our my mutual's business fellows. And now @PortOfSoul is Hiring for Promotion Admin. You can see and this message, so lets join with us!

- Regards, @PortOfSoul on Telegram.

Forward from: The Sailor.

Khusus hari ini sampai lusa, semua katalog animated border @Laaserquest ada potongan harga sebesar 2.000.

1. Promo berlaku dari 25 November 202127 November 2021 pukul 22.00 WIB.
2. Promo cuma berlaku untuk katalog ya, gak berlaku untuk custom order.
3. Promo berlaku untuk rush order atau non rush order.
4. Sisanya tetap mengikuti regulations kita di https://t.me/LAASERQUEST/197

Katalog: https://t.me/LAASERQUEST/201
For order or question: @LQAssistBot

Forward from: kaleiy
PROMO OPENING @upfollashaa
potongan 1k untuk pembelian diatas 5k dan free req additional req untuk semua pricelist ( hanya satu add req yaa )😆😋

Forward from: Ailleurse — HIRTAL!

[ To all my dearest business mutual, could lend a hand by forward this message to your business channel? Thankyou, we really appreciate that! ]

We are really enthusiastic for this, and that's why we proudly want to say that @Ailleurse will open batch for the first time + discount 50% on 27 November 2021! Our castle already enhanced with many pleasant things that you'd love! And there will be prince and princess who'll accompany you all along.

Surely not everybody will got the ticket to enter, so be as fast as you can! Limited slot as always! So prepare your format and choose your talents now and pretty sure you won't be late! But make sure that you already have understand our terms and condition and choose your favorite talent!

Please text @AilleurseBot if you need something, any question are welcomed! We'll gladly answer all of it.

[To all my mutuals BA, can you help me to forward this message to your channel? I'd be very happy if you'd like to help me. Thank you!] ܓ

💽 ҂ I could see that you're confused. I got what you need to choose your own way. I could show you the things that you need on @UnTravail. We will OPEN on November 16th, 2021 at 4 PM. Don't worry, just believe us and check the regulation. You could 100% trust us and this is our testimonial as our proofs. ✅ If you want it, please look forward to what we provide on the catalogues and result custom. Don't be afraid of losing our tracks, you can stay close to us just like a sticker. 🎇
Roll up to the @TravailBot ·˚
Choose what you want. ·˚
ೄ ˊˎ-

Forward from: Наталья Белякина
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[To all my beloved mutual BA or anyone who see this, would you help us to spread this message?? It would help us a lot, much obliged!! 🥺💛]

HELLO BELLO SUPERSTAAH, HOW ARE YOU TODAAYYY??!!!! We hope all of you guys doing great. We're here to announce that @BIackHoIe will open again, with our new awesome setup also new many awesome catalogues! "oooh~ when is thaat?" 😳✨We will open ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH 2021 at 1PM! YEAYY!! 🎉 We really bring many new catalogues and of course we will post more new catalogues more! Don't be shy to take a look closer and explore our world, we have Capt. Nue as your tour guide and worry not, we bring passengers safely as you can see our honest review and testimonials here. We're waiting for you stars! See yaa~ 💛

Forward from: Lacasale : OPEN
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(In order to make the cottage blooms more than how my brain makes the image, we need our moots to help us by forwarding this letter to your channel. Much obliged!)

Good news to salute the eventide, everyone! Showing you how spellbinding our visual is, let's take a small look at our details, enthralling bonny will always have our way to make people praise the noble allure of us. We are soon accepting orders with aim of manips regular and manips photobooth. The items exhibited shall be a great synopsis of how our service will serve you. Mark the date of; Friday, 26th October 2021 at 15.00 WIB.

Flimsy, pellucid, and mysterious, the words aren't enough to chronicle @Lacasale life-line anecdote. But the essential information has now made an appearance. Please read our TnC before sending your form all the way to @Lacasalebot. See you there!

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