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The crypto world is running out of safe havens. China cracked down, and cut the power to large Bitcoin farms. In the US, the SEC and CFTC have been tightening up on crypto-related things that look like securities and things that look like exchanges. Israel kicked out the binary option crowd, which overlapped with the crypto crowd; they seem to have moved to Bulgaria. Now the EU.
The bigger countries are in general tightening up on tax havens; incorporating in the Cayman Islands or Vanatu raises more red flags now.

The Economist has an article this week, "What if Bitcoin went to zero?" Cryptocurrencies haven't hit a recession yet, and we're getting close to one. Look at house prices. In a recession, things which depend on a net inflow of money collapse.

I don't expect Bitcoin to go to zero, but Tether could, easily. When stablecoins crash, they crash all the way.



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We love our bobo posters don’t we folks

What's the official stance on ironic boboposting?

What's the official stance on sneedposting?

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