Bonjour, our beloved customers. Welcome to
Basetaurant. We'll be your server for today, are you ready to order, Sir/Madam?
But, before sending your bio, please read the rules carefully first :
🍔. Make sure you've
subscribed to
@basetaurant before sending your bio.
🍟. You can send your bio everyday,
without limitation. (When we're open ofcourse)
🍗. You can use
any language! (Indonesian, English, or any local language)
🌭. 18+/rated thingy is
only allowed at 21.00-00.00 WIB. (underage chara aren't allowed.)
• Prohibited things :
❗️ RL thingy.
❗️ Vulgar/sensitive content.
❗️ Spamming the bot.
❗️ Break the rules.
Notes : we only send polite bios. if you violate one of these rules, we'll warn you. but don't repeat it again. if you do, we'll ban you from our channel.