Assalomu alaykum everyone. I hope you all are doing well.
🎯Little announcement: we are going to have a Q&A session with incoming Harvard student🔥
You heard it right.
❤️I think this is great opportunity for all of us.
🗒This is why you should get ready and prepare your questions.
More information about the date of the session, person himself, and location will be revealed later.
BeAdmit - From School To College
🎯Little announcement: we are going to have a Q&A session with incoming Harvard student🔥
You heard it right.
❤️I think this is great opportunity for all of us.
🗒This is why you should get ready and prepare your questions.
More information about the date of the session, person himself, and location will be revealed later.
BeAdmit - From School To College