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✿₊˚꒰ roseate blushes in the gold of the day, and its melody wings roar harmoniously. popping amusing idyllic ; proofs emission until an @moonlitlake kogue fills through @bunsT_T chamberlaine center of a roseate plums.

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Forward from: beguile is open
oiya, buat yang mau order tapi tetep bingung gimana ngisi formnya boleh banget buat langsung order tanpa form. but please explain it sedetail mungkin, thank you!

Forward from: beguile is open
"where may i examine beguile's work results?" well, folks, you may examine it's hither. we further keep consultations for those: who are still unsure about how to send the format, questioning about something & etc. please do not be afraid to ask us, we will reply you as soon as possible after you send it. have a great great great day ever, beloved beguiles!

lots of love, beguile's team. 🐾

Forward from: beguile is open
thank you to everyone who has ordered wording at @beguiile, but because it's time to rest, it's with a heavy heart that we say that's enough for today, aka we are closed until this morning when the sun begins to rise, thank you for your time, and enjoy your rest! 💟

Forward from: Template Qris — OPEN
[HFW] Hai aku mau ufs in usernameku, sebenernya gk rela yg sejeong t_t

Fix Price
@Qejeong b.o sejeong 20k
@eKimSejeong b.o kim sejeong 15k
@ChoZoFa b.o cho zoa 15k

Nego sampai deal
💰 : Dana, Gopay, QRIS(+1k)
☎️ : @Plapnet

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happy 400 subs 💕



hello beguiles ‹3 buat send form, kalian prefer send lewat mana??
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so guysss, beguiile bakal off sampe tanggal 13 yaaa, 14 baru buka lagi DANNNN untuk 2 hari ini kita gak nerima hfw dulu, maafffff bangetttt 🙇🏻‍♀ see you soon! have a blessed night ~

when the music stops, the ballerinas say their goodbyes and take turns walking down the stage. the audience's applause could be heard all the way backstage, and the ballerinas smiled with relief, embracing each other, indicating that "you worked hard and did your best today."

similarly, the @beguiile team would like to announce that beguile will be closed from june 12 to 13, 2022, because the teams are tired and want to take a day off to just freshen up, thank you to the customers who have been and have always been loyal to us. we will close the channel and not accept further assistance on the above-mentioned date; thank you for your time; and see you on the 14th!

Sedikit informasi buat buyer, kalau tiba-tiba cancel orderan tolong dikabarin ya? Karena kalau udah send format itu artinya fix order, kalau mau cancel diomongin aja jangan langsung cc. Kita as seller pasti ngertiin alasan kamu cancel, tapi tolong yang sopan ya.

halo guyssss, disini aku mau kasih tau macam-macam typing style-nya yaaa ada 4 dan udah sering aku liat banyak yang salah isi (gak bermaksud nyindir) jadi bisa diliat foto diatas ini yaaa;
lower case: hai aku chakiya lahir di jepang
proper case: Hai Aku Chakiya Lahir Di Jepang
sentence case: Hai aku Chakiya lahir di Jepang

bisa diliat perbedaannya yaa, dan untuk wording aku saranin kalau nggak lower ya sentence yaa, upper boleh pas kalau emang the wording theme is kaya kamu lagi excited about smth gituuu okkk semoga paham! timaci udah mau baca sampe akhir 💟💟💟

yeyy happy 200 subs

dan juga, buat yang order pakai format, tolong di bagian detail, isi sejelas-jelasnya ya. anggap aja format itu fix order kamu, jadi kalau format udah di send, gak ada lagi perubahan dalam orderan biar kita as seller dan kamu as buyer gak ada salah paham, thank you.

maaf guys, aku mau ngingetin kalau mau order bio itu tolong kasih keterangan buat bio ch atau akun ya, biar gak ada kekeliruan antara penjual & pembeli 🥰🥰🥰

thank you to all of the customers who have faithfully ordered and trusted @beguiile with all of your hearts. we regret to inform you that the promos and discounts provided by beguiile have run out of slots. starting now, the price will return to normal; 1,200/100 characters (letters). thank you once more, and have a wonderful saturday-night! 💟

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