Be the Change | Greece

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“Be the Change”, is an initiative of a diverse group of independent citizens, having their base on Aegina island, in other parts of Greece and abroad. Our goal is to shine a different light on the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

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An experiment to test whether vacations abroad can be considered coronavirus-proof was approved by the Dutch government on Tuesday. Τhe experiment will take place on the island of Rhodes in April, according to reports in the Dutch media.

The trip, set to begin on April 12, is an initiative by the travel industry and will be enjoyed by approximately 188 travelers.

They will stay for eight days at an all-inclusive resort on Rhodes, which they will be unable to leave and will only allow entry to the staff. They will be tested both prior and after the trip to see the efficacy of measures in containing the virus for international holidaymakers.

London threatens British people with fines for holidays abroad
The aim is to discourage non-essential travel to avoid any “importation” of the virus, while the country's health situation is now better than many of its European neighbors. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The announcement on Tuesday lowered the stock market prices of airlines like easyJet or British Airways, but also of tourism professionals like TUI. While the travel sector has already lost more than 45,000 jobs in the United Kingdom since the start of the pandemic, Boris Johnson's government is preparing to impose a fine of 5,000 pounds (5,785 euros), as of Monday, the daring ones who want to leave England ... to go on holiday abroad.

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4. The certificate represents the legitimisation of an non- democratically sanctioned policy of generalised vaccination of the entire European population with a vaccine which is experimental (,,, unnecessary ( and possibly with long term detrimental effect to the health of the population (link to EMA's tracker on adverse effects:, and studies showing the possible long term detrimental effects and deaths of vaccinating the entire population:,,,,,; and because it introduces in a deceptive manner, under the pretence of protection and prevention, a second class citizenship of the Union, the people that will not be able to travel freely, get an employment or be accepted in schools because they are not vaccinated.

5. There is a concern that this is not a temporary measure – the question is if it is reasonable to spend 49M euro to develop this measure, if the real intention behind is to use it only during a pandemic? Either our governments believe pandemic will chain up in the following years, or the intention is not genuine. When the Commission states that agreements are currently sought with international organisations (e.g., IATA) and other countries in the world to make this internationally recognised and interoperable, this does not seem temporary.

We are expecting that you will attentively examine the argument and referred studies and act in line with your role as guardians of the pillars of the EU democracy and guaranteed freedoms of the EU citizens and therefore resist to any pressure coming from the European Commission to do otherwise. We are asking you to vote on this Thursday (March 25) against the option of a “fast-track” examination to allow for the thorough assessment of the proposed regulations and elaboration of the amendments that will ensure alignment with the EU values and fundamental rights of the citizens. Finally, we expect that you will reject altogether this proposal after the examination as it infringes all the fundamental values the EU was founded upon.

Kind regards,



Considering the terrifying consequences for our health and freedoms if this law is going to be approved, we are inviting all of you to quickly mobilize all your national networks TOMORROW (Wednesday, March 24) and send massively emails (see below) to the members of the LIBE committee (which will be responsible) by Thursday (meeting will take place at 11 a.m.). Our EU expert has identified the critical issues as related to the EU internal procedures, existent regulations and treaties which should be used to challenge all involved in taking decisions at EU level regarding vaccination certificate. It is URGENT to request our EU parliament representatives to resist any pressure exercised by the Commission and to oppose to the fast-track procedure in order to attentively examine the proposal ensuring respect of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by EU treaties and to allow for any necessary amendments.

We are kindly inviting you to urgently send by this Thursday morning to the LIBE committee members – please identify the ones from your country and any other relevant ones – chair, vice-chair etc. (, your nationals and any others you find relevant the below email message (you may adjust it).


Dear Members of the European Parliament,

We (I) would like to bring your attention to the critical issues concerning the “digital green certificate” regulations proposed which are clearly challenging existing EU internal procedures, existent regulations and treaties:

1. The procedural checks and balances have not been respected - there is no impact assessment, no cost-benefit analysis, no Committee of the Regions or Economic and Social Committee consultations (although not compulsory, the two would have been highly recommended on a subject of such impact on the European public), no compulsory public consultation offered to the European public to express views, no public debate, no possibility for the population to react. All these basic safeguards were waived under the presumption of urgency, which itself is not justified, as results from various Recitals of the proposal (e.g., Recital 17) which clearly confirm that there is no scientific evidence at this point to support the idea that a vaccinated person is no longer contagious. Hence, a person carrying such a certificate is no more of a 'threat' to a country's public health than a non-vaccinated, healthy person. This is sheer discrimination, without any solid scientific justification as to why such unprecedented limitations to our fundamental rights are taking place in the European society.

2. The mere concept of a certificate which fulfils the function of a health passport (i.e., containing proof of vaccination, testing or recovery) is contrary to the guaranteed right to free movement within EU. There is no point in talking about a free-border Schengen area where we need to carry with us a certificate to prove that we can cross an internal border or even move within a country. This is the end of Schengen.

3. The proposed legal act doesn’t provide any clarification on intended use for this certificate, with the exception of free movement. No a priori limitation is provided, which essentially amounts to a carte blanche to any potential usages. Clear examples exist - Israel but also European countries such as Denmark - where public authorities are publicizing materials showing the existing or potential use of these certificates varying from flight companies to school access, access to working place or even access to one's own domicile. Clear limitations and guarantees must exist inb law, ensuring that this certificate cannot be misused in the future to abuse or limit in any way person's fundamental rights, and introduce discriminatory action by state and non-state actors.

web link to debate EU green certificate this afternoon starting 3 pm CET today



Σεισμικών διαστάσεων εξέλιξη στην Γερμανία. Η Μέρκελ, ουσιαστικά ανατράπηκε. Υποχρεώθηκε από τους κυβερνήτες των κρατιδίων να πάρει πίσω τα μέτρα για το σκληρό λοκ ντάουν που αποφάσισε μόνη της μέχρι τις 18 Απριλίου. Ζήτησε ταπεινωμένη συγγνώμη από τον γερμανικό λαό σε τηλεοπτικό διάγγελμα και τα όποια μέτρα θα αποφασίζονται σε τοπικό επίπεδο. Μεγάλη πίεση δέχθηκε η πολιτική της από τη γερμανική Δικαιοσύνη (εκεί υπάρχει Δικαιοσύνη, δεν πληρώνουν τους δικαστές τσάμπα) αλλά και από την Εκκλησία η οποία απέκλεισε το ενδεχόμενο να γιορτάσει το Πάσχα με κλειστούς ιερούς ναούς.
Εδώ ο ραγιαδισμός των θεσμών είναι ο μόνος θεσμός.

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