ㅤ Tokyo Revengers is a Japanese shnen manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. They also present Tokyo Revengers in the anime series, Telling about some boys who don't accept their friends being beaten by some other kids, because of that he plans to throw out an alley called Tokyo Manji. The gang was founded by 5 boys, including; Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Kazutora. Within a few years the gang exploded rapidly into small areas of Japan. They received quite a number of new members, for now Tokyo manji has 150 members.
ㅤㅤOf course for now there are many other alleys. Starting from; Valhalla, Black Dragon, Tenjiku, Bonten, and Brahman. They are also quite famous in their respective areas, of course some of their members exceed the members of Tokyo Manji. But no matter what the opponent, Tokyo Manji will always win this fight.
ㅤㅤTokyo Manji was never afraid of defeat, especially when Takemichi started to join. Since then, Tokyo Manji has become an unbeatable gang. It's not that Takemichi is a strong kid, but he's a child who doesn't give up. But the name of the group, there must be a human bastard in it, you name it (Kisaki). Since he started as captain of the third division, Chifuyu and Takemichi agreed to become a pair of partners who will help Keisuke uncover all the crimes that Kisaki has committed.
ㅤ Tokyo Revengers is a Japanese shnen manga series written and illustrated by Ken Wakui. They also present Tokyo Revengers in the anime series, Telling about some boys who don't accept their friends being beaten by some other kids, because of that he plans to throw out an alley called Tokyo Manji. The gang was founded by 5 boys, including; Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Kazutora. Within a few years the gang exploded rapidly into small areas of Japan. They received quite a number of new members, for now Tokyo manji has 150 members.
ㅤㅤOf course for now there are many other alleys. Starting from; Valhalla, Black Dragon, Tenjiku, Bonten, and Brahman. They are also quite famous in their respective areas, of course some of their members exceed the members of Tokyo Manji. But no matter what the opponent, Tokyo Manji will always win this fight.
ㅤㅤTokyo Manji was never afraid of defeat, especially when Takemichi started to join. Since then, Tokyo Manji has become an unbeatable gang. It's not that Takemichi is a strong kid, but he's a child who doesn't give up. But the name of the group, there must be a human bastard in it, you name it (Kisaki). Since he started as captain of the third division, Chifuyu and Takemichi agreed to become a pair of partners who will help Keisuke uncover all the crimes that Kisaki has committed.