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Xayr Ramazon…💔

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-anchadan beri endi birinchi marta 6 soat uxlagan miyam
-reading matching headings'da meni miyam
-listening multiple choiceda mening miyam
davom ettiringchi😂

9 0 0 14 1


A book worth reading📕

nihoyat, shu siren degan gulni topdik🎉
sovg'a qilishga odam yoq endi🙃🙃

puppet= doll

Today, my reading result was 29 /40🤓

In the past:
Kimningdir duolarida bo'lish bu umuman boshqa darajadagi sevgi💞

Kimningdir postlarida, istoriyalarida bo'lish bu boshqacha sevgi

My result is bad or good, i don't know 32 out of 40
let's react

Spring is the best time for travel...

I didnt feel sunny mood today as my listening result was 15 out of 16😞😞
My listening is slowly going downwards...)

Describe an occasion when you found something that someone else lost

Yurak ogʻriydiyu sezdirmaydi til,
Jism magʻrur turar yigʻlaydi koʻngil.

place to relax.docx
Describe a place where you want to go to relax

Describe a place where you want to go to relax

murmur= dengiz(daryo, ocean suvi to'lqining tovushi)

E.g: The gentle murmur of the river gives people a sense of peace


His eyes are bigger than his stomach= he eats a lot

20 last posts shown.


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