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British Patriots Party

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No words needed. Amen!


Forward from: Official Times
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When Liberals Start Changing Their Minds: Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) says Republican support for Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) attempt to dismiss Trump’s impeachment trial yesterday shows a trial “may not be the right prioritization of our time right now.”

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Forward from: US Military Voice
But to all of you who expected on the 19th of january a change and was disappointed: there was a change! A huge change! A change they feel and can't even call by it's name, because they don't know the name yet. All the previous time, they were chasing everybody and everything they could not own or control, but now, for the very first time they feel that someone they don't even know is chasing them, and they can also feel that this one has a plan and a force that has a strength they never saw before. Therefore they panic, they commit suicide and it will get worser and worser because the time is working for us.



Forward from: US Military Voice
If Amerca shall become a free country again, Americans have to stand up against NATO, Secret Services and FED immediataly.

We have to be aware that the FED owning Banker-Families have built NATO and Secret Servises, so their mission is not Americas or Americans interest, but exclusively the interest of this FED owning big international Banker-Families.

If you check who was/is NATO fighting against, you'll very quickly realize that the mission of NATO is (and always was) to destroy everything that is not owned by this few FED owning Banker-Families who own nearly everything.


Forward from: US Military Voice
US Military is with Trump, but NATO is not US Military. Nato and Secret Service is build and owned by FED owning private Big Bankers. In other words a few very rich families, who own nearly everything, and requlate be inflation and deflation the value of everything you own! They can reduce the value of everything you own and you don't even notice it. You believe some catastrophy, pandemic or force majeure did it, but there is only one force majeure that regulates all the values, wars and catastrophs. Its called FED and its a privat company owned by a few Banker-Families.


Forward from: AntiGates
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Bill Gates hopes that the evil theories about him and Dr. Fauci will soon disappear 💉 Maybe the vaccine helps to me make them disappear 💉
What a pitty, this man paid that many dollars to the mainstream-media to make him look like the Vaccine-Jesus and people still don't understand what a Great Reset is, that some have first to die to help some other Jesuses to ressurect. 💉
What's so difficult about it? You just inject it in the arm and it's done: no pain again, no sorrow, just nothing, what can be better?
Isn't it what normal people anyway
deserve? 💉
I mean the normals, not such Geniuses like the Gates, Zuckerbergs, Clintons, Schwabs, Rockerfellers... are.


Forward from: QAnon Central
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6 days = 37 executive orders!!!
Biden is the worst liar in US History! Here you see him telling: executive orders were dictatorship, he would never do! Truth is: that's the first he did, and he did more than any other US president before. US is ruled by a corrupt FED-Media-Pharma-BigTech-Liar-Cartel that turns into dictatorship supported by mainstream media and a Fake-Pandemic!


Forward from: US Patriots
The darkness of the White House is the darkest moment in US History? Since our legal president Donald Trump left the house darkness followed! Today is the 7th day of darkness in US History!


Forward from: Patriot Party US
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After taking vaccines is Biden before vaccines... 😂 Looks like he really knows what he's talking about 🤪


Forward from: Great Awakening
Five Republican senators who voted "no" on the GOP motion to dismiss the impeachment trial:

• Lisa Murkowski (AK)
• Susan Collins (ME)
• Mitt Romney (UT)
• Pat Toomey (PA)
• Ben Sasse (NE)


Forward from: Anti Fake Pandemic
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Sick of seeing self deployed social justice warrior Coronavirus police harassing and even attacking others for not being sheep and covering their airwaves with cloth.

Than follow:

Forward from: L. Lin Wood
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Here is some information on Rod Rosenstein and the Russians. “Ghost Stories”???


Forward from: AntiGates
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INDIA: Millions of protesters! No masks! No pandemic! Millions of happy healthy people protest against the Greatest Danger to the menkind, the FED-China-Gates & Co. created Fake-Pandemic!
Stop the Corona-Terrorism now!


Forward from: The Great Awakening
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