
Channel's geo and language: Indonesia, Indonesian
Category: not specified

This cottage is full of affection and sweetness love I dedicate to my lover, Sean. I will give abundant awareness merely to my dearest lover, the virtue of eternal tenderness I will show here. The fame of genuine love solely I give to my boy, Sean.

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Indonesia, Indonesian
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ceilah keciduk

lah kenapa ga diunsubs


text me here, if theres something important

semoga oktober kalian baik

be happy ya mutualkuuu

he was my home, he really was and it was good while it lasted. but till we meet again, my homie.

be happy moots

i really really really feel blessed to be ashara griselva, cause i have all of you ☹️🤍🤍🤍

jangan nyerah ya, semangat terus.

thank you for staying until today, moots.

maaf kalo misalkan ashara griselva ada salah atau terlalu kasar sama mutualkuuu inii, maaf banget yaa. beneran maaf yang semaaf maafnya, mutualkuuuu

buat yang suka bilang, gasuka sama aku atau benci sama aku wkwkw its okaaayyyyy kan ga semua orang harus suka sama aku 🥰🥰🥰

dan buat yang suka spread hate diboardku, makasi juga ya? kalo kalian ga spread hate, mungkin dunia per rp an ku bakal hambar kali ya HAHAHA

makasiii udah mau selalu interaksi dan isi board ku setiap aku open board, mau board @ atau board cerita. i'm blessed to have you guys as my mutuals 🥺🤍

aku leaving, jadi aku unsubscribe ch kalian ya. free unsubs kok ch ini

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