Forward from: CA Final Notes
📌 Classification of IT strategy planning
"Indian ERA"
I - Information system strategic plan
E - Enterprise strategic plan
R - Information system requirment plan
A - Application and facilities plan
📌 Enablers of IS Strategic plan are:
B - Business Strategy
H - How IT helps in achieving business objectives
A - Assessment of existing system
I - Inventory of technological solutions
P - Position on risk
E - Evolution in Techonology
N - Need for Managment
📌 Risk Management Strategies
"5 T"
T - Tolerable
T - Turnback
T - Transfer
T - Treat
T - Terminate
📌 Application and facilities plan includes
R - Requirement facilities
A - Acquisition of hardware and software
D - Development of system
O - Organisation changes
📌 Key Enablers of IS Architecture of IS Requirement plan are
S - Syantax
A - Automated data repository and dictionary
M - Model that defines process
O - Ownership of data
Sa - Standards architectural
📌 Sources of Risk
"LEH New Treccking Mission"
L - Legal Relationship
E - Economic Circumstances
H - Human Behaviour
N - Natural Event
T - Technological
M - Managment activities
📌 Gap between need to protect the system and degree of protection applied
U - Use of techonology
A - Attack increased
E - Elimination of space, time and distance
D - Devolution of control from Management
I - Interconnectivity of system
C - Technological changes
E - External Factors
📌 Key Management practises of Risk Management
C - Collect the data
A - Analyse the data
P - Profiling Risk
A - Articulate Risk
A - Action Portfolio
R - Respond to Risk
📌 Key Management practises of Risk Management
C - Collect the data
A - Analyse the data
P - Profiling Risk
A - Articulate Risk
A - Action Portfolio
R - Respond to Risk
📌 Metrices of Risk Management
"Critical Incidents in European Union"
C - % of critical business processs covered
I - Incidents not identified
E - % of enterprise risk assesment
U - Updating the risk profile frequency
📌 Functions of IT Steering Committee
M - Monitoring and Measuring
S - Size and Scope
D - Decison making
V - Viability between user and system
S - Standards, Policies and Proedure
B - Budget
I - Implementation of IT
R - Review IT Activities
D - Report to Directors
L - Long and Short Range Plans
📌 Key Managment practises of IT Compliances
"Indiandian Originated CO."
I - Identify external compliance requirement
O - Optimise Respond to Requirements
C - Confirm External Requirment Compliance
O - Obtain External Assurance
📌 5 Principles of COBIT
"MCA Enables Success"
M - Meeting Stakeholders Needs
C - Covering enterprise end to end
A - Applying single integrated framework
E - Enabling a holistic approach
S - Separate governance from Management
📌 Classification of IT strategy planning
"Indian ERA"
I - Information system strategic plan
E - Enterprise strategic plan
R - Information system requirment plan
A - Application and facilities plan
📌 Enablers of IS Strategic plan are:
B - Business Strategy
H - How IT helps in achieving business objectives
A - Assessment of existing system
I - Inventory of technological solutions
P - Position on risk
E - Evolution in Techonology
N - Need for Managment
📌 Risk Management Strategies
"5 T"
T - Tolerable
T - Turnback
T - Transfer
T - Treat
T - Terminate
📌 Application and facilities plan includes
R - Requirement facilities
A - Acquisition of hardware and software
D - Development of system
O - Organisation changes
📌 Key Enablers of IS Architecture of IS Requirement plan are
S - Syantax
A - Automated data repository and dictionary
M - Model that defines process
O - Ownership of data
Sa - Standards architectural
📌 Sources of Risk
"LEH New Treccking Mission"
L - Legal Relationship
E - Economic Circumstances
H - Human Behaviour
N - Natural Event
T - Technological
M - Managment activities
📌 Gap between need to protect the system and degree of protection applied
U - Use of techonology
A - Attack increased
E - Elimination of space, time and distance
D - Devolution of control from Management
I - Interconnectivity of system
C - Technological changes
E - External Factors
📌 Key Management practises of Risk Management
C - Collect the data
A - Analyse the data
P - Profiling Risk
A - Articulate Risk
A - Action Portfolio
R - Respond to Risk
📌 Key Management practises of Risk Management
C - Collect the data
A - Analyse the data
P - Profiling Risk
A - Articulate Risk
A - Action Portfolio
R - Respond to Risk
📌 Metrices of Risk Management
"Critical Incidents in European Union"
C - % of critical business processs covered
I - Incidents not identified
E - % of enterprise risk assesment
U - Updating the risk profile frequency
📌 Functions of IT Steering Committee
M - Monitoring and Measuring
S - Size and Scope
D - Decison making
V - Viability between user and system
S - Standards, Policies and Proedure
B - Budget
I - Implementation of IT
R - Review IT Activities
D - Report to Directors
L - Long and Short Range Plans
📌 Key Managment practises of IT Compliances
"Indiandian Originated CO."
I - Identify external compliance requirement
O - Optimise Respond to Requirements
C - Confirm External Requirment Compliance
O - Obtain External Assurance
📌 5 Principles of COBIT
"MCA Enables Success"
M - Meeting Stakeholders Needs
C - Covering enterprise end to end
A - Applying single integrated framework
E - Enabling a holistic approach
S - Separate governance from Management