𝐕ergete, O𝟏

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habede habedee (´∀`)♡

Happy birthday to all Minju rp-ers and also for Jisung rp-ers! esp jisavian hyung, kak arsa, jigra, aji, jagra, amor and ashella

i think i'm perfect for you.

i miss how we used to hold each other hands in happiness and sadness together.

rp nadap balik kamu cpat 😤

Forward from: 𝐌idnight, 2002

shhiiitmaann 😩😖

Forward from: The other side of me
mood gua sekarang : lagi pengen nangis, tapi gatau apa yang ditangisin.

Forward from: The other side of me
sekarang saatnya memasuki waktu indonesia bagian galau.

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