
Channel's geo and language: World, English
Category: Telegram

Experimental Telegram client based on official Telegram for Android sources and powered by Telegram API's

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World, English
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The project is still discontinued and will NEVER be reopened again.

We (ctwoon - main Catogram maintainer and iTaysonLab - the original creator of Catogram) decided back in 2021 that we will close the project.

Now we want to say that there is no chance that Catogram will be re-opened back by us.

- Official application code is a bunch of shitty-written code without any proper infrastructure. It is painful to do something with the code.

- I (iTaysonLab) left the project in 2021 because I joined Telegram at that time, as a TGX developer. However, they decided to use me and throw away, completely destroying my mental health and doing other not so good stuff. Very low "salary", constant "teamlead" aggression and total unwillingness to actually develop his own project and sometimes even spying - and much more.

Если вы знаете русский язык, вы можете просмотреть всю историю этого на канале @thefinalwordsofthefinalchapter.

- ctwoon has decided to dedicate his time to personal life and to create something more interesting and important for himself.

If you want to follow our work, you can visit:
- ctwoon: @kinohome_xyz
- iTaysonLab: @bruhcollective

Thanks for your support. There won't be any new messages on this channel.

Project discontinued.

Source code won't be removed from Github, but repository is archived.

Please don't write to developers about reasons of closing project, you won't get answer and with 99% will be blocked.

Thanks for those years that you've been with us!

p.s: for all interested, the main reason that I've done that is constant lack of time, and catogram is the smallest thing that i was able to close to to get rid of it.

good alternatives: @catoxnews or @nekoupdates

Catogram 3.9.7

What's new?
- 8.2.1 update


Support project and developer

Catogram 3.9.6

What's new?
- merged 8.1.2
- option to disable camera in media attach menu (helps to get rid of lags)
- bug fixes


Support project and developer

Catogram 3.9.5

What's new?
- option to ignore archived channels while jumping to next channel
- bug fixes


Support project and developer

problem with editing messages is known

Catogram 3.9.4

What's new?
- merged 8.0.1 and 8.1.1
- removed DeepL and added back GTranslate. DeepL supports very limited amount of languages, also seems to be not really stable.
- other misc improvements and fixes


Support project and developer

Catogram 3.9.3

What's new?
- replaced google translate with DeepL
- added ability to translate profile bio
- HQ voice messages are optional now


Support developer and project (ill be grateful)

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Catogram 3.9.2

What's new?
- fixed forward issues
- fixed search related crash


Catogram 3.9.1

What's new?
- improved accessibility for blind users (thx AlexandrKozlovskiy)
- you can see if contact is mutual in contacts menu
- returned & adapted old way of no author forward (


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Telegram's method of no-author forward is really inconvenient, therefore it will be reworked to have something i had in earlier versions.

Catogram 3.9.0

What's new?
- merged 8.0
- moved 'save message' button into the previous place of no author forward button
- fixed view thread icon
- option to show DC id in profile (for developers)
- added hide captions, notify options into ShareAlert
- ...


Telegram X is going to be opensource therefore I'll start modification from scratch based on it.

Current catogram won't get any updates except official telegram ones


Catogram 3.8.9

What's new?
- accent based "day" theme
- fixed "hide actionbar's shadow"
- added support for Android 12 recents URL sharing (thanks neko)
- replaced much more icons with VKUI variants
- updated translations


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more vkui replaces are coming


What's new?
- merged 7.9.3
- merged translations from crowdin
- fixed crash if trying to translate message without internet
- app will translate OTA changelog into your language


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