π—–π—˜π—žπ—” 𝗦𝗧𝗒π—₯π—˜ . OPEN

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@CekastoreBot apabila bot error hubungi @wendysse

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Forward from: RUVERS : SOON!
[For all of our BA mutuals that are kind-hearted or anyone who sees this message, with our respect, can you all go to this message to your channel? Thank you very much before, for the kindness we get, hopefully you all have a wonderful day! Smile and be happy!]

Open the best day to open this shop officially. Ruvers Store will be happy to open the first day of selling on April 13th, 2021 at 13:00 P.M. No need to worry because we provide everything with high quality and professionality. We provide many needs that you need. Providing all kinds of needs ranging from boyfriend/girlfriend rent, jasa tulis, manips, faceswap, aplikasi premium, username, convert, until wording! For more information, visit our channel at @ruverstore. Starting from 3k, all of this will not reach your funds much. Read TNC before buying and happy shopping! We love all of you!

Forward from: ཻུΫͺΫͺβΈ™ΝŽ`β„³πšπ²π²π¨π›π’πžπ¬
[ To all my dearest mutual BA or anyone who saw this, would you forward this massage to your channel? Thank you so matcha !πŸ₯ΊπŸ’— ]

Holla, Mayyonies !
For the first time, finally MAYYOBIES will open order on Monday, 12 April 2021 at 16.00 WIB. We provide upfoll, verif, apk prem, and bubble lysn.

Kita juga ngadain promo spesial hari debut, jangan sampai kelewatan yya ! Promo hanya berlaku sampai 15 April 2021.

Cepattt kirim formatnya ke @mayyobiesbot , sebelum itu pastikan sudah membaca TnC. Selamat jajan !πŸ˜‹πŸ’—

With love, Mayyobies.

Forward from: Eloditory! β€” CLOSE.
[to all my business mutuals and everyone who sees this, mind to lend me a hand by sharing this news to your channel? much obliged! β™‘]

hello, hello! this is elodie and dhafin taking over the stage! we are excited to announce that we will be open again tomorrow! april 11th at 16:00 WIB to be exact. we are open for all new icons catalogue and with limited slots! so ... we suggest you all to set your alarm for tomorrow so you won’t miss the fun! most importantly, don’t forget to read the regulations first before you make your order. and that’s all from us, we’ll see you tomorrow!

oh, and if you have any question, feel free to ask me at @maelodie β€ΉπŸΉ

best wishes,
elodie & dhafin. β™‘

Β» Β» Β» Β» ππ€π˜πŒπ„ππ“ Β« Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
kami hanya menerima payment
via : - shopeepay
- gopay
- ovo
- dana
via pulsa : - tsel ( sementara close )
- xl

Β» Β» Β» π•π„π‘πˆπ… ππŽπŠπŽπ’ Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
telegram only !

via shopeepay, gopay, ovo, dana :
- 1 verif = 3K
- 2 verif = 6K
- 4 verif = 12K
- 6 verif = 18K
- 8 verif = 24K
( berlaku kelipatan, 3K/nomor )

via pulsa : rate 1 - 2K

βžͺ 𝗙𝗒π—₯𝗠𝗔𝗧 :
username :
pesan berapa verif :
payment :
(tap auto copy)

send ke bot :
☏ @CekastoreBot

Β» Β» Β» Β» 𝐔𝐏𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐒 Β« Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
- 7O subs = 5K
- 14O subs = 1OK
- 21O subs = 15K
( berlaku kelipatan 5K/7O subs )

note :
max order 21O subs
seller tidak menyediakan acc, jadi menggunakan acc buyer

βžͺ 𝗙𝗒π—₯𝗠𝗔𝗧 :
- username pembeli :
- username ch :
- tipe ch CA / BA :
- subs awal :
- subs yang dipesan :
- payment :
( tap auto copy )

send ke bot :
☏ @CekastoreBot

Β» Β» Β» Β» π”ππ•πˆπ„π– Β« Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
- 5OO view = 2,5K
- 1OOO view = 5K
- 2OOO view = 1OK
- 3OOO view = 15K
( berlaku kelipatan 2,5K/5OO view )

βžͺ 𝗙𝗒π—₯𝗠𝗔𝗧 :
username :
pesan berapa postingan :
view yang dipesan :
view awal :
link postingan :
payment :
( tap auto copy )

send ke bot :
☏ @CekastoreBot

Β» Β» Β» Β» π”ππ…πŽπ‹π‹ Β« Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
ACC UNDER 3K folls :
- 3OOf = 5K
- 6OOf = 1OK
- 9OOf = 15K
- 12OOf = 2OK

ACC 3K - 1OK folls :
- 25Of = 5K
- 5OOf = 1OK
- 75Of = 15K
- 1OOOf = 2OK

note :
maaf kami tidak menerima upfoll akun diatas 1OK

βžͺ 𝗙𝗒π—₯𝗠𝗔𝗧 :
username tele :
username ig :
password ig :
jumlah folls yang dipesan :
jumlah folls awal :
payment :
(tap auto copy)

send ke bot :
☏ @CekastoreBot

Β» Β» Β» π’π“πˆπ‚πŠπ„π‘ ππ€π‚πŠ Β« Β« Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
( unfiltered )
- 1O foto / pack = 2K
- 2O foto / pack = 4K
- 4O foto / pack = 8K
- 6O foto / pack = 12K
( berlaku kelipatan 2K/1O foto )

( + req filter )
- 1O foto / pack = 2,5K
- 2O foto / pack = 5K
- 4O foto / pack = 1OK
- 6O foto / pack = 15K
( berlaku kelipatan 2,5K/1O foto )

note :
sticker anime : foto dari customer

βžͺ 𝗙𝗒π—₯𝗠𝗔𝗧 :
username :
pesan berapa foto :
foto : cari sendiri / dicariin
chr / idol :
filter :
payment :
(tap auto copy)

send ke bot :
☏ @CekastoreBot

Β» π“π„π‘πŒπ’ 𝐍 π‚πŽππƒπˆπ“πˆπŽππ’ Β«
Β  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝ κ’· ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’· ͝ κ’¦ ͝ κ’¦ ͝͝  ͝͝͝ κ’¦ ͝͝
𝐈. ketika kami sedang melakukan upfoll jangan menggunakan jasa lain atau upfoll sendiri agar tidak terjadi tabrakan

𝐈𝐈. lama pengerjaan tergantung jumlah folls yang dipesan, harap sabar karena kami melakukan upfoll secara manual dan juga ada limit instagram

𝐈𝐈𝐈. hanya menerima upfoll akun rp, usahakan tidak mengganti username. apabila diganti harap konfirmasi

πˆπ•. apabila ada penurunan jumlah folls, akun terbanned itu diluar tanggung jawab kami

𝐕. apabila akun deactive, upfoll sendiri, maka upfoll kami anggap selesai

π•πˆ. lama pengerjaan sticker pack tergantung berapa jumlah foto dan filter yang dipesan, jadi harap bersabar

π•πˆπˆ. verif nomor hanya bisa sekali verif, hanya untuk verif nomor telegram

π•πˆπˆπˆ. payment dilakukan diawal sebelum pengerjaan, agar tidak terjadi hit n run

hello, finally @cekastore
first open order ! kami hadir
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan
rpmu. di sini kami
menyediakan :


start from 2K kamu bisa jajan disini loh, oiya jangan lupa untuk cek TNC terlebih dahulu. buruan order di @cekastore sebelum kehabisan !
send format order / tanya - tanya / anything? contact us @CekastoreBot

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