Northern Dominion

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This channel was created to be a place where the true north can thrive. We will be proud of this country, our communities, and our people.
Display picture: Courers de Bois

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Prepare for shortages. Shop local. Time to invest in local food supply chains.

Imagining an ultra dystopic image right now where its ~10 years later in an abandoned Canada and all you see everywhere is celebration banners that say "Re-Opening Ontario Together"! Or "We made it, Alberta!" hanging in destroyed malls and buildings covered in dust and dirt as everyone either died from covid19 or from some sort of civil war. Basically the opening trailer from Fallout 76. Basicslly the entire *plot* of Fallout I guess.

You know whats also been compromised? Twitter. Thats the whole reason why this accounts not on there. Twitter is the wests Weibo/WeChat. Monitored and controlled discourse.

Tam must be put on trial for treason along with the rest of the federal cabinet. As far as we should be concerned, this federal government has been compromised.

Our profile image is of the famed Courers De Bois/Runners of the Wood. The frontiersmen of this land who risked their lives to create a better place and were among the first who saw the vast potential of this country.

We will be sharing communications dedicated to promoting and reestablishing the old dominion in this new world. Down the road, this account will not be just a platform for ideas, but a place of action. To help reorganize your life and communities so you can be better people under God and kin.


This channel was created to be a place where the true north can thrive. Away from the disastrous liberal platforms that have seen catastrophic decay. Away from the depths of aimless discourse. Away from the corrupt partisanship. We will be proud of this country, our communities, and of our people. Without apology.

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