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Forward from: ChristianTaliban
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Do you want to take part in 5th generation spiritual warfare by spamming people with Christ-centric messages to alter their perception of reality?? Do you want to anger SPERGS who think they know it all only to find blue-collar Christian content being the number 1 “philosophy” podcast on Spotify?? Of course you do. Make sure you give this show a 5 star rating so you can see the enemy seethe and reveal their true colors all while uplifting fellow Christian men!

Forward from: ChristianTaliban
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Transmission #5 : Semper Fi to Jesus Christ Part 1: I monologue about how I was kicked out of the US Military because I am unapologetically Catholic and the moral cancer/spiritual vacuum within the US Military
Part 2
Romans 8 and how our end goal
Part 3
Week Zero of the Self and Group defense training program

Forward from: ChristianTaliban
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Forward from: ChristianTaliban
Fact: The majority of martyrs in the Roman Martryology are Roman soldiers.

Forward from: ChristianTaliban
Transmission # 88
The overthrow of the godless regimes and their replacement with
a Christian regime. Missions consist of the following:
1. Gathering information about the enemy, the land, the
installations, and the neighbors.
2. Acquiring documents, secrets, and arms; disseminating such tools to those fighting the Good Fight.
3. Fighting enemy personnel via methods that range from peaceful nonresistance to self-preservation via arms.
4. Freeing the brothers in Christ who are imprisoned by the enemy.
5. Spreading propaganda that instigate
people against the enemy.
6. Disrupting and Destroying the places of amusement, immorality, and sin; specifically, those places which act as a hub of socio-economic activity.
7. Creation of alternative economic markets and cultural centers in order to subvert the Anti-Christ State and support Christian resistance efforts.

Forward from: ChristianTaliban
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Excerpt from book “Christian [ R E D A C T E D ]

Forward from: Jag's House of Wews 2
Getting women to define themselves by their willingness and ability to legally murder their children, rather than the glory of being able to produce them is one of the greatest inversions ever

Forward from: Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Every branch of the U.S. military is struggling to meet its 2022 recruiting goal

Only 9% of those Americans 17-24 eligible to serve in the military have any inclination to do so.

Only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 are qualified to serve without a waiver to join


Forward from: 🔥 Alt-Right Memes

These people’s votes count as much as yours does.

This was the EXACT argument made by the ancient heretics known as the Cathars for practicing contraception:
Bringing life into the world was evil, as trapping a soul in a body was evil. So preventing a soul from being trapped was an intrinsic good.

There is nothing new under the sun. The Devil doesn’t change, he just rebrands.

Forward from: Bombadil’s Athenaeum
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Not to be that guy but Washington made a point of never ever kneeling in prayer, not even in the Episcopalian services he attended.

Forward from: Zoomers IRL

Kill your baby so you can kill for Israel.

Forward from: ChristianTactics Vol 2.
Half of the colonies had government sponsored churches at the time of the ratification of the Constitution. It only says CONGRESS - as in, the feds - shall not establish a State Church. That’s it.

It’s completely legitimate to declare the Holy Christian State of Kentucky.

Forward from: ChristianTactics Vol 2.
Anyone whose ever been to Europe knows this map is shit.

You expect me to believe that Greece has the lowest crime rate in Europe?

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