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O'ng tomondagisi zavodniki, man yasab bergan "protez"(chapdagi) undan ham yashiroq ishlayapti lekin😆

Bug fixing at home )

#leetcode #medium #linkedlist #java

1721. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List

#leetcode #medium #linkedlist #java

2181. Merge Nodes in Between Zeros

O(n^2) doim ham yomon emas ;)

#leetcode #medium #string #java

1689. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers

P.S: "yozilishi medium o'qilishi easy ekan", dermidi 😄

Menda ham shu holat bo'ladi. Har kuni bittadan ishlayman deyman nimadur ishim chiqib qolib leetcode qolib ketadi. Lekin o'tgan oyda challenge qilib Databasega oidlarni ishlab tashladim easy va mediumlarni to'liq, hardlardan 3 ta qolgandi. Buni ham progress desam bo'larkan)

Quyidagi ko'rinishdagi shartlardan bir marta pand yedim. Eski kod juda murakkablashib ketgan edi. Yana ichiga qo'shgandim.

if case_1 then do_something
else if case_2 then do_something
else do_something

Bugni topganimdan keyin quyidagi usulni maqtashgani bekorga emas ekan dedim:

if case_1then do_something;

if case_2 then do_something;


GitHubni codespaces degan yangiligi haqida bir-ikki eshitgandimu, lekin ishlatib ko'rmagandim. Super!

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Forward from: Vohid Karimov | Hello world
O'zim ham shunday maktablarni birida o'qiganim va universitetda ham toza Computer Science o'qimaganim tufayli ko'p Math va Computer Science bilimlarni o'zim online resurslardan o'rganaman. Bugun silar bilan o'zimga yoqqan resurslar bilan ulashaman. Kettik:

1. The essence of calculus: YouTube
2. Linear algebra: MIT Website
3. Discrete math: YouTube
4. Probability and combinatorics: Coursera
5. Introduction to Algorithms: MIT Website
6. Operating systems: Archive
7. Networking: Khan Academy Website

Yana, quyidagi YouTube kanallar va GitHub repolarni tavsiya qilaman:

1. 3Blue1Brown
2. Eddie Woo
3. Khan Academy
4. MIT OpenCourseWare
5. BrilliantOrg
6. Coding Interview University
7. Awesome courses

Siz ham o'zingizga yoqgan resurslarni ulashing!

#leetcode #medium #plsql #oracle

184. Department Highest Salary

#leetcode #medium #plsql #oracle

178. Rank Scores

#leetcode #medium #plsql #oracle

1158. Market Analysis I

#leetcode #easy #plsql #oracle

1527. Patients With a Condition

#leetcode #easy #plsql #oracle

1795. Rearrange Products Table

17 last posts shown.


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