Coercion NOT Consent
# 003 23/11/2021 I’ve been in the social work industry for 6 years in regional Victoria.
When the pandemic started in 2020 I was working in family services with the ab
original community. We were told that we weren’t allowed to complete face time face visits. All visits had to be video call or phone calls. My clients were all high risk with complex needs. I followed along and completed video calls.
My families struggles to get enough food (I had families with roughly 5-9 children)
because of the restriction on food quantities. Child protection would often threaten families with
removing the children as parents were unable to feed their children. I would often sneak out and go to community organisations to get food for them and complete face to face home visits without approval.
I watched these families suffer in silence as no one listened. I couldn’t take it anymore so I resigned.
I started working in Home Based Care in August 2021. I worked mainly from home for a few months. Once the lockdowns ended we were “allowed to complete home visits again” however this had to be for
high-risk clients. All of my clients were high risk so I continued face-to-face visits. I noticed that
children were more terrified of engaging with
workers, were hyper-vigilant and more aggressive towards their carers. Carers reported higher stress and
felt extremely unsupported.
Most of my visits consisted of being yelled at or having the carers hysterically crying and
children being too terrified to engage with me. Over the course of 12 months the work load became unmanageable with child protections further expectations.
Child protection refused to complete home visits and we were left to complete their safety checks/risk assessments. Our team of
15 turned into a team of 4, again I resigned due to work overload and burn out.
In September, I
started my current position In homelessness. I completed 1 week of induction and we had a locked down. When I went to return to work I was told I was
no longer welcome to attend the office or complete home visits as
I cannot wear a mask (I have a medical exemption). I worked for another 2 weeks at home and was called by
HR advising that I needed to have the vax and will have to prove my vax status by oct 22
or I would lose my job. I told them that I will not be disclosing my private medical information. Since then I have had multiple meetings with
HR who have tried to manipulate and bully me into getting vaxed to keep my job.
2 weeks ago I was told that I would no longer be allowed to work so I rang my clients to tell them. All of my clients told me that they weren’t vaxed and did not agree to being
reallocated a 3rd time. I had 3 clients beg me crying to get vaxed so they could continue receiving support from me. I still have not heard from HR so I continue to work to the disgust of my team and manager.
Today we were notified that 2 of our clients had passed away due to “health issues”.
They were young healthy people.
I just can’t sit here and be silent anymore. People are suffering and no one seems to care. I feel like I’m expected to just give in and get vaxed. I’m tired and burnt out and just don’t know how this industry will continue.
To put the
cherry on the top,
I got invited to our team Christmas lunch and in the email it stated that “…..
will not be able to attend due to being unvaccinated”. This is my story Tell us your story email:
Reach out to us: UniteNowCoercionNOTConsent. Follow us on Telegram: