Forward from: Tommy Robinson News
I also believe stating that people (which includes employees of the state government) who choose to not participate in a medical experiment will be “excluded from participating in the economy” to be a coercive threat against its employees and Law abiding Victorian citizens, who are only exercising their legal rights, to be another driving factor in causing the population to protest against these threats, which in turn causes Police members to be placed in unnecessarily dangerous situations.
I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer”. No Member of Victoria Police is. Vaccination against Hep B is a requirement to join, which I happily took as it’s proven over time to be effective and safe. My children and myself are also all vaccinated against the usual suspects (measles, mumps, etc..) again, as all those vaccines have known long-term safety and efficacy data and I was able to make an informed decision whether to take them or not based on a risk v reward calculation.
I joined Victoria Police because I wanted to serve my local community and was expressly driven by the Victoria Police mantra of “uphold the right”. I believe in that mantra with all my heart and have always conducted myself in accordance, to protect the rights of the people in my community to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, I feel now that we as an organization are not living up to that mantra.
Another reason I joined Victoria Police is that I despise “bullies”. I believe the current language and behavior coming from the state government (my employer) to be that of a bully, who is demanding that we members of Victoria Police enforce these “bullying” tactics. This situation is causing me personally, enormous stress, anxiety and internal conflict, as I am being forced to behave in a manner that I despise.
On the 10th of September 2021, I was informed that I was being tasked to attend a citizen rally/protest in Melbourne on the 18th of September 2021. On this day I was asked by another member (who shall remain nameless) of Victoria Police if I was “excited” about attending so I could “crack some skulls”. Again, I found those remarks to be disgusting and further cements my views that some/many in Victoria Police ranks have lost sight of our core function, which is to protect the rights of Victorian citizens. I responded by asking the member “do you really believe that the people of Victoria who just want these restrictions ended so they can go on about their lives deserve to have their skulls cracked”? The member replied “well that’s the fault of all the unvaccinated people, like you”.
In light of my recent completion of the online training course titled “making courageous ethical decisions”, I feel compelled to call out this attitude toward violence against the Victorian public by a representative of Victoria Police as unacceptable and damaging to the reputation of our organization and therefore myself, by association.
Additionally, I find that the belief that somehow, an individual’s own immunity to a disease, could possibly provide protection against that disease to another individual, when immunity does not prevent contracting or spreading that disease, to be completely devoid of basic logic, reasoning and common sense. This is akin to a belief that another person would benefit from my own personal diet and exercise routines, or a person using sunscreen to prevent someone else for getting sunburned. It’s nonsense. Immunity protects the individual person, no-one else.
It is again, my firmly held belief that these protests clearly show that our actions in Policing these “lockdown” measures and draconian CHO recommendations, do not pass the SELF test, as they clearly;
do not pass public scrutiny,
Do not meet my own standards of personal ethics
Are dubious regarding their lawfulness
Are completely and totally unfair and a clear breach of human rights, with respect to freedoms of movement, speech and discrimination.
I am NOT an “anti-vaxxer”. No Member of Victoria Police is. Vaccination against Hep B is a requirement to join, which I happily took as it’s proven over time to be effective and safe. My children and myself are also all vaccinated against the usual suspects (measles, mumps, etc..) again, as all those vaccines have known long-term safety and efficacy data and I was able to make an informed decision whether to take them or not based on a risk v reward calculation.
I joined Victoria Police because I wanted to serve my local community and was expressly driven by the Victoria Police mantra of “uphold the right”. I believe in that mantra with all my heart and have always conducted myself in accordance, to protect the rights of the people in my community to the best of my ability. Unfortunately, I feel now that we as an organization are not living up to that mantra.
Another reason I joined Victoria Police is that I despise “bullies”. I believe the current language and behavior coming from the state government (my employer) to be that of a bully, who is demanding that we members of Victoria Police enforce these “bullying” tactics. This situation is causing me personally, enormous stress, anxiety and internal conflict, as I am being forced to behave in a manner that I despise.
On the 10th of September 2021, I was informed that I was being tasked to attend a citizen rally/protest in Melbourne on the 18th of September 2021. On this day I was asked by another member (who shall remain nameless) of Victoria Police if I was “excited” about attending so I could “crack some skulls”. Again, I found those remarks to be disgusting and further cements my views that some/many in Victoria Police ranks have lost sight of our core function, which is to protect the rights of Victorian citizens. I responded by asking the member “do you really believe that the people of Victoria who just want these restrictions ended so they can go on about their lives deserve to have their skulls cracked”? The member replied “well that’s the fault of all the unvaccinated people, like you”.
In light of my recent completion of the online training course titled “making courageous ethical decisions”, I feel compelled to call out this attitude toward violence against the Victorian public by a representative of Victoria Police as unacceptable and damaging to the reputation of our organization and therefore myself, by association.
Additionally, I find that the belief that somehow, an individual’s own immunity to a disease, could possibly provide protection against that disease to another individual, when immunity does not prevent contracting or spreading that disease, to be completely devoid of basic logic, reasoning and common sense. This is akin to a belief that another person would benefit from my own personal diet and exercise routines, or a person using sunscreen to prevent someone else for getting sunburned. It’s nonsense. Immunity protects the individual person, no-one else.
It is again, my firmly held belief that these protests clearly show that our actions in Policing these “lockdown” measures and draconian CHO recommendations, do not pass the SELF test, as they clearly;
do not pass public scrutiny,
Do not meet my own standards of personal ethics
Are dubious regarding their lawfulness
Are completely and totally unfair and a clear breach of human rights, with respect to freedoms of movement, speech and discrimination.