ar§ipan aji

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hi, u @justentered to my heart, and then i'm @fallinginlovewithh u.

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sha : lu aneh sih klo kata gua + raka and aji throwing food for the ducks at the duck pond + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : you have the best sense of style + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia nih jujur aja baik cuma agak aneh aja orgnya + aneh, jamet, baik + jeno


sha : sayang kmu yg banyak + arsean snuggling up to aji because i's cold + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : everything seems brighter when you are around + 8/10 + kiss

ka : dia ini anaknya lucu, gemesin jg, tpi ke gua doang🙏🏻 + baik, gemesin, random + jisung


sha : diem2 bkin nyelekit + jema and aji play twister. things get embarrassing and awkward fast + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : You are an excellent friend + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia ini pendiem sbnrnya, cuma klo ada yg nyenggol beuh lgsg ngamuk + boti, galak, jamet + haechan


sha : lu bkin emosi aje + chu calming aji down when they have a bad dream + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : i'm really glad we met + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia ini sbnrnya klo kalem pasti gemesin dah + lucu, ngeselin, baik + taehyung


sha : seru parah euy + aji and hayden having a tickle fight until they're breathless + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : you have the best ideas + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia ini dewasa jujur, mantep lah pkoknya + asik, jamet, open minded + jaemin


sha : lu 11 12 sm si apin alias ngeselin + adan and aji sharing a soft smile across a crowded room + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : you are stunning + 6/10 + hug

ka : dia itu asik sih sbnrnya cuma ketutup ngeselin aja + jamet, boti, cool + wonyoung


sha : gua bingung chr lu siapa + aji and devarga burning something together + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : that color looks perfect on you + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia keliatan kalem gitu sih gua liat nya + cool, dark, pendiem + karina


sha : lu ngeselin + calvin and aji sharing a really long scarf + 👇🏻👇🏻

leo : i hope you are proud of yourself + 8/10 + hug

ka : dia nih orgnya ngeselin bgt anjir sumpah dah + jamet, asik, boti + jisung

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