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Forward from: Shaykh Muzaffer
Respect to the sisters who find the truth behind this hilarious 😁

Forward from: Shaykh Muzaffer
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The fact that so many of you share my sense of humour gives me great comfort. 😂

Forward from: Shaykh Muzaffer
Yep. Turns out this mass murderer was a huge Israel supporter. Hmm...

Forward from: Shaykh Muzaffer
The intelligence officer assigned to follow my channel 😁👆🏾

🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 "The Jews played the preeminent, fundamental role in the spread of misguidance, because they were the ones who worked to deviate the Christians and lead them astray to the point of polytheism. They infiltrated them, and they also work in the Islamic milieu in the same manner, using their very dangerous methods to mislead, distort and deviate the Muslims. ALLAH (SWT) said about them [in Surat al-Imran, Ayah 100 of the Holy Qur'an]: 'O' you who have believed, if you obey a party of those who were given the Scripture, they will turn you back, after your belief, to being unbelievers'." ~ Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi (H.A.), Ansarullah Commander-In-Chief and Yemeni Islamic Revolution Leader, 5th Ramadan lecture, 2025 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴







🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

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🔴💚💛🔴 Ascendant Hizbullah Executive Council Chief Sayyed Hashem Safieddine (R.A.) speaks candidly about who the moujahideen of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance follow in every little aspect of their lives: Imam al-Mahdi (A.T.F.S.) And because this is the case, though the giant mouqawem is no longer with us... As painful as it is, we can't and shan't falter; we can't and shan't collapse; we can't and shan't take even a single backwards step. Because Al-Qa'im is waiting for us. And stretching his patience to one second longer than it has to be stretched is simply unacceptable. 🔴💚💛🔴




🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴🫡 Yesterday marked 23 years since Saraya Al-Quds istishhadi (self-sacrificer) operative Abdul Karim Tahayneh (R.A.), from the Jenin village of Silat al-Harithiya, used his body as a weapon against a bus full of terrorist settlers in occupied Afula, sending one Jewish supremacist demon to the hellfire and wounding at least 45 others--many of whom would lose limbs and never serve in the occupation army again. 🔴🫡

The people of the Wasp's Nest 🐝 call him "The Man Who Brought An Earthquake To The Entity".

A glorious dauntlessness.

An eternal example.

A regal struggler who will never be forgotten.

Rest well in the highest of the High Heavens, Shahid Abdul Karim. 🔴🫡



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🔴💥🏴‍☠️💥🔴 BREAKING: Moujahideen from the Saraya Al-Quds Jenin Brigade's Ya'bad Battalion just detonated pre-set IEDs in the path of Zionist occupation regime military vehicles storming their town, wounding several IOF terrorists in the blasts! 🔴💥🏴‍☠️💥🔴

Day 44 of the Judaic-Hebraic aggression, but the Wasp's Nest 🐝 and its stinging resistors are as ferocious as day 1.

The demonbergs and rodentsterns wanted to shift the front from the Strip of Al-Dayf to the Bank of Ayyash, right?! Well! This is the price! Scorched and torched Tumorites galore before they come home to ema for Shabbat! 🔴💥🏴‍☠️💥🔴


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇱🇧 🤬 BREAKING: An IOF drone just bombed the farm of a shepherd in the South Lebanon village of Rmeish in Bint Jbeil, wounding him and killing at least 15 of his goats. 🇱🇧 🤬

Really looking forward to Prime Minister Nawaf Salaam and President Joseph Aoun holding the bastard 'Israeli' regime responsible and retaliating for this aggression...

... Right around the time...

... Every pig on every pork farm in Nebraska grows wings and starts performing aerial shows on all the oceanfront property you can buy in Lincoln.

In other words...

... Never. Because these cowards are owned entirely - not partially - but ENTIRELY by the Jews and they'd let the whole of the Jnoub burn to nothingness before they even THOUGHT of lifting a finger in defense of it. 🇱🇧 🤬



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🤬 BREAKING: Palestinian prisoner Ali Ashour al-Batsh (R.A.), from Jabaliya Refugee Camp in Gaza, is now a martyr after being tortured to death by the Zionist occupation regime in the notorious cells of its "Negev" Prison. 🇵🇸 🤬

He is the 62nd detainee that the Jews have murdered since October 7th, 2023--the 40th from the Strip.

Shahid Ali was 62 years old... A father and a grandfather. But his children and grandkids will never see him again because 'Israel' is a monstrous and slaughterous scourge that fills Palestine and the whole of the planet with an unimaginable stench every minute that it continues to illegitimately exist. 🇵🇸 🤬



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇸🇾 🤬 This is Khader Mahmoud (R.A.), a physical education teacher from the Wa'er neighborhood of Homs City. He was kidnapped from his home 48 hours ago, tortured and shot in the head execution-style by the Takfiri terrorist hordes of HTS. The "offense" committed according to the "Syrian revolutionaries"?! Being Alawi. 🇸🇾 🤬

Just another day in "free and democratic" Syria.

No bullets for the 'Israeli' invaders encroaching deeper and deeper into Syrian territory and Judaizing it.

But plenty of bullets for a gym teacher. And babies. And young women.

Damn this "free and democratic" ZOG--damn it straight to hell. 🇸🇾 🤬




🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🤬 BREAKING: The usurping Jewish demon-entity just raided the home of Palestinian journalist Ahmed Jalajel (H.A.) in the occupied Al-Quds neighborhood of Silwan, put him in cuffs and dragged him away to a dungeon. 🇵🇸 🤬

The charge?


The reason?


The length of time he's going to be forced to rot in a torturous cage?


But we can take a strong, STRONG guess.

He was likely snatched up by the illegitimate regime of Gentile-hating kidnappers because of the atrocities that he's documenting all over Islam's third holiest city.

The Jews don't do so well with the truth. So they punish the truth-tellers in every turn. Whether it's imprisonment, like they've done to Ahmed here... Or... It's the unprecedented mass murder campaign against the reporters of Gaza. 🇵🇸 🤬



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇾🇪 🤬 BREAKING: Saudi Arabia just opened fire on the Saada border village of Al-Sheikh in Mabbih, leaving one Yemeni citizen severely wounded. 🇾🇪 🤬

It is obviously quite COHENcidental that the Wahhabi-Takfiri monarchy engages in this aggression not even 24 hours after Ansarullah downed another American ZOG MQ9 drone.

Whenever Washington or "Tel Aviv" are in need of a service, Al-Saud is RIGHT there. With bells on. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Like trained dog. And since dog is indeed man's best friend... To that end... MBS and his cronies are the Jews'. 🇾🇪 🤬





🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇵🇸 🤬 The ethnic cleansing machine known as 'Israel' has thrown the Palestinian Bashah family out of their home on Al-Wad Street in the Old City of occupied Al-Quds, designating it to be replaced with a synagogue [of Satan] as per the ongoing Judaization stratagem. 🇵🇸 🤬

And do you know who are the central champions of this colonization program?

It ain't politicians like Daniela Weiss--although she is vital to the conspiracy and her origins confirm the point we're about to make, just to be clear.

It's the Rabbinate. Through and through. The "sages", be they Ashkenazi, Mizrahi or Sephardic.

From Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu to Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef to his brother, Rabbi David Yosef, to Rabbi Dov Lior to Rabbi Avihai Rontzki to Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira to Rabbi Yosef Elitzur to Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh to Rabbi Shlomo Aviner to Rabbi Haim Druckman and beyond.

Which leads to one conclusion and one conclusion alone.

It's the Judaism, Goyim.

Not the Zionism.

The Judaism.

Been this way since Rashi (L.A.) 

If there's no Kehilla... There's no settlements. And if there's no settlements... There is no Tumor.

This is basic math. 1+1=2, which is Jew. Anyone trying to complicate it outside of this Divinely damning equation is running scared or, to be blunt, not exactly the sharpest tool [that the enemy deployed] in the shed. 🇵🇸 🤬


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🌳 🇮🇷 💚 🇵🇸 🌳 Imam Sayyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei (H.A.), the Rahbar of the Islamic Revolution, honoring a tradition of Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq (A.S.) as he does yearly, plants a sapling for National Tree Planting Day. And he does so whilst in the midst of his Ramadan sawm. May his shadow be lengthened; his face be brightened; his life be extended; his wisdom be amplified; his lessons be disseminated; his internal and external enemies be destroyed; his soldiers be strengthened; his prayers be answered; and his mission be fulfilled. May we forever be at the beck and call of Sayyed al-Qa'id! 🌳 🇮🇷 💚 🇵🇸 🌳


🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

🇱🇧 🤬 BREAKING: The terrorist entity that refers to itself as the Jewish "state" has just bombed the South Lebanon city of Naqoura in Sour, wounding two Lebanese brothers - civilians - who were doing nothing but inspecting their land following the brutal 'Israeli' bombardments of the past 16 months. 🇱🇧 🤬

Where is President Joseph Aoun in the wake of this latest violation of Lebanese sovereignty?

If we had to take a guess?

Probably stuffing his fat face with a McDonald's cheeseburger whilst awaiting his next set of orders from Talmudic succubus Morgan Ortagus.

Because he DAMN SURE won't be anywhere near the concept or thought, let alone action, of actually doing something to stop 'Israel' in its barbarity.

Remember the betrayal, lethargy, and sheer ineptitude of this Shabbos Goy scumbag when Hizbullah takes the decision to implement long overdue retaliation against the cancerous gland. Remember... And let the Yellow and Green moujahideen do their liberationist work in peace. 🇱🇧 🤬



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

Forward from: Enemy Watch | Unvirtuous Elites
❎ An Average mossadic takfiri mindset of traitor Muslims.


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🔴💚💛🔴 A Hizbullah moujahid blinded and maimed in Mossad's Pager Massacre still finds a way to serve his community with discipline, commitment and heartfelt devotion despite his wounds. You have never seen superheroes until you've laid eyes on the Men of God that comprise the Lebanese Islamic Resistance--Men of God who'd give their very sight, not to mention their very lives, over and over again, without hesitation, so Palestine is free of the virus that is Zion. 🔴💚💛🔴



🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

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🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴 The Anchor of Ansarullah returns to the news cycle as another American ZOG MQ9 gets downed in the middle of a hostile mission against Hudaydah! This is the 15th mech of the monsters that had its wings clipped by the Yemeni Islamic Resistance since October 7th, 2023! Yemeni Armed Forces Spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree (H.A.), in his statement confirming the triumph, let Washington, "Tel Aviv", London and Riyadh know that Sarkha Nation is prepared to deal with WHATEVER the enemies of Islam have up their sleeves. The resolve of the sons of the land once known as Saba should NOT be tested! 🔴⚓️ 🇾🇪 🔱 🔴








🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance

Forward from: Enemy Watch | Unvirtuous Elites
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Our Honorable People in Sweida Burn the Flag of the Zionist Enemy After it was Raised:

The people of Sweida have once again demonstrated their rejection of occupation and betrayal by burning the flag of the Zionist enemy, after it was raised.

Let it be known: the Zionist enemy and the terrorist enemy that is killing and maiming Syrians today are one and the same. Both are occupiers, and both are enemies of our land, our people, and our sovereignty.


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