있당신이 : Reveeazhasea.

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☆ ⁎ ◌ ⁎˚ ˖ . ˚。 ✧ .. her perfume is crazy mystery. When inhaled deeply it touches the intimate depth of the heart and leaves the inside of the entire body perfumed, Kaleesha. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

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hallo, ini ch siapa??

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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   . ..
⊹ *

“ 하얀 그늘을 올려 모두의 눈을 뜨게 한 그녀는 우아한 손가락을 그녀의 비단 머리에 찔러 넣었다. 그녀가 화분에서 손을 떼자마자 내려다보이는 돌 난간에 새가 떨어졌습니다. 그리고 그녀를 애타게 하는 것과 그녀를 부르는 것의 중간에 있는 그 놀라운 계단식 웃음이 나왔습니다. 친애하는 도달 할 수없는 하얀 달, 아름다운 영혼이 잠시 멈추고 당신에게 경의를 표합니다.” she surrounded by love and million angels, counts the minutes, pale and silently draws nearer to the sea; the little waves become all great with longing, wreath’d with foam already long stairway from the sky descending slowly rests upon the earth and thoughts, like spirit on it come and go and at the last she toweled herself off with a thick navy blue ralph lauren towel, slipped on her flimsy pink silk cosabella underwear, zipped up her blue and White seer-sucker. ✧ * 📎🎀

. ...

♪ ⊹

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jadi begini, dia adalah sesosok dirinya yang tidak bisa saya jelaskan hanya dengan kata kata. dia mengajarkan saya bagaimana rasanya kasih sayang rasanya kesenangan tanpa pernah bertemu dan bersentuhan. ratusan kata bahkan puluhan ribu kata yang tersedia bahkan tak akan mampu menjelaskan tetang berapa indahnya elok akan setiap sisi yang terdapat pada dirinya.

menceritakannya tentang dirinya itu memang sungguh sangat sulit bagi saya, entah saya yang terlalu membaganggakan nya atau dia memang hebat dan pantas untuk di banggakan saya juga kurang tau.

dia kalau bisa dibilang sosok yang sangat sangat mendekati sempurna, gaada bahkan gaakan ada orang yang bisa menggantikan posisinya begitu saja.

di pin supaya pacarku ga kebiasaan begadang lgi.

buat pacarnya gathan yg suka ngeyel klo disuruh bobo.

. . . soft angel wings glisten in warm honey suckle sunlight, A lambs lullaby is an angels favorite songs for she, oH! she just like a dream, like a really dream. sings sonnets upon in the middle of the night ♡ ఎ !


oke noted, 27 Desember Jeje Birthday

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dia terlalu istimewa untuk diceritakan secara sederhana.
sering rasa nya ngerasa kaya gua ga pantes buat dia, dia terlalu sempurna di mata gua, ntah di mata orang lain tapi gua lucky banget bisa dapetin dia untung gua cepet jedor dia haha sebelum di ambil yang lain. gatau kenapa dia sabar banget ngadepin sikap gua yang kadang bikin dia marah, gmd, ngambek, haha banyak deh. but she is different, dia berusaha maklumin sifat gua yang pasti seperti yang gua bilang haha selalu berhasil bikin dia sedih, but gatau kapan cerita kita berakhir so jangan pernah ngerasa bosen or ninggalin gua, gua makasi banget sama sikap dia yang udah mau sabar so ngertiin gua. kita jalani cerita ini pelan pelan ya, aku sayang kamu.

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to the honor Altashea as my virtual girlfriend, here i want to type an confession about my feelings to you. previously, i would like to thank you a lot because you have come to, my life. i'm really grateful because you have come and give my life color. tbh, you are one of the most beautiful expectations that God gives me. i don't understand, don't understand, and don't know what to say. if i, really feel it is the luckiest man because you can have you. you know? i previously typed like this to anyone. you're the first, only you, and only you expressed all this.

thank you for your availability accompanying me as long as i was in this virtual world. tbh, getting you in this virtual world it feels like the most another level of happiness. so beg for a beautiful lady, don't leave me, because if you leave i don't know. whether my life can still be colored or not. and again, i also want to please apologize for all my behavior, which might sometimes make you lazy or not in the mood. i promise, i will try to change it all. i will change to make you happy. but a little bit, honey? the problem is it can't be instant.

like typing typing before, i still ask for one thing. i hope, our relationship will take place for a long time. exchanging stories, dividing laughter and sorrow until the time that decides we must be truly separated. maybe we often fight, but don't ever say the farewell word is just because. i am sure, all the problems we face our teacher together and finally.,

this is a message Altashea. you don't be stubborn, never stubborn. if you know it's not yet denied, if we are close maybe you can immediately throw away when you don't want to obey. take care of your health, eat right. i don't want you to get sick because if you get sick later i'm getting sick. don't forget to learn, especially learning to love me.

ya, that's my confession to you. i hope you can understand and understand my feelings. i really love you. more or less sorry, the end of the word.

Forward from: Clingy baby.
iya aku tau aku salah, ga seharusnya aku overthinking berlebihan ke kamu. maaf yya aku juga sebenernya gamau ovt terus ke kamu, cuma karena mungkin aku sesayang ini sama kamu aku jadi sulit percaya dan terus terusan ovt. aku bakal berusaha untuk kamu sayang, maafiiin aku ya? akuu akan selalu percaya sama kamu. ayo buka lembaran baru, ayo jadi sepasang kekasih yang bisa percaya satu sama lain. maaffiin aku ya kalau kamu jadi sedih or anything aku serius deh bakal kurangin rasa ovt, okay babe? lovee uuu.

jeje sipaling altaa.

Forward from: Clingy baby.
Thank u for wanting to me mine, i’m so lucky to have n know u. Thank u for coming into my life, idk what i’m feeling right now tapi hati aku bener-bener bersyukur bisa ketemu orang sebaik kamu. Tetep sama aku terus ya? Please don’t leave me alone, i just have u right now. Aku belum siap buang kehilangan orang yang aku sayang untuk kesekian kalinya. Aku tau semua hubungan pasti ada lika-likunya, tapi aku harap kita bisa berjuang bareng. U should know how much i love u, i’m not good at it but u can see how i treat you like. I swear i love u, i wanna be with u forever.

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