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Pusing, butuh hug n kiss

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Hari minggu waktunya bersih" rumah :(

Happy weekend molla sayang

📝 give me some @makeitditrylist
dont use your b

👤 long tongue or big dick?

👤 di gesek or di gerakin

👤 ur sex song?

👤 #mz dapur atau ruang tamu?

👤 Lips or neck?

👤 💀🕷. Dapur atau ruang tamu?

👤 pet play or raw sex?

👤 #LuCa force/d not to cum or not to moan?

👤 public or private sex

👤 dildo or vibrator?

👤 doggy style atau 69?

👤 Soft or Hard?

👤 seks secara telanjang atau memakai baju yang menggoda (lingerie, kostum maid, dsb)?

👤 vanilla sex or bdsm?

👤 lebih suka cuddle or making out?

👤 nickname pref while having sex?

👤 di sepong atau nyepong

👤 big dick or long dick?

👤 #𝐊ⱬ𝘕mau di luar apa di dalam?

👤 bj or hj

👤 one night stand or fwb?

👤 multiple cum one dick, or one cum multiple dick?

👤 atas or bawah

👤 degradation or praise kink?

👤 sofa atau ranjang?

👥 25 people of 25 have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

✅✅ done diping, feedback nya tolong fw ini ya molla. Jangan lupa absen juga biar aku tau sapa yg aktif

Hfw dong molla sayang

Hfw ya molla sayang

🗳 🗳 ‼️ HFW ‼️
Halo, apa kalian berminat bermutualan dengan aku? Jika iya tolong tinggalkan @.id kalian yg keren itu ya. Only ma !!
Admin upsubs, lgbt/homophobic, minors, rarely diving, subs 400+
please DNI !!

- K. Alkrama @MinhyungFh
- Bae @bekhyoon
- チチ . @chiidaisy
- @Terpikact : Laluna 🍜
- t.me/MrKimDongyoung
- zaf uke kep @Rroseqp
- Adiva Milés @wGoals
- ꔫ ۫ ֪ ⊹ vivienne @isswetteYuna
- Una @huhyeunjjin
- Danzel t.me/cJungkuook zicar³`872'sjkth²
- Elorá D. Adēnium @issooyaa
- 미요치 @miyyoci
- Cita @ninetiesloveu
- @MahiroKim
- Michié @Bubbzy
- 299. Mattheo Caleb Addison @O95BAEKHO
- — ilwan @yeonnchoi
- Shen @anshenka
- Rembulan A. @kisahsalju
- Reina Akiara D @pemberontakn
- Maxime @ParkCahenyeol
- Jorvex @voguelking
- Kaylee @yvoonalim
- lofs. Berlin @bcrystals
- Rika @lchry05
- ૮₍ Irene @AtIante ₎ა
- Hadrian Jaxen. @Hongjvng
- A95. rajendra @jisungjatuhh
- Girel @vMasc
- NB8520S17. vgu arthan @drexnthn
- janu @Hwangnyu
- Oktav @iJenoozlee
- 875.917 Varza @otaheyung
- sas @chiIdboy

👥 36 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

𝐀 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 was walking to a hotel room with number 14. They are a pair of lovers who have been in a relationship for 5 years. A relationship that they went through was so complicated and difficult. They often feel bored with each other. They are also busy with their respective worlds. me is busy working as a model, while you is busy working as an actor & singer who is so famous. To get rid of boredom between their relationships? you & me often have a very passionate sex. They do this just to have fun and get rid of boredom between the two of them. Exactly at 11.00 in the evening, you & me entered the hotel room. They began to do their activities. Seen in a glass shadow, you hugged the girl's body very tightly. You's naughty hands seemed to stroke me stomach so as to produce a tickling sensation in me body. me just paused, enjoying you mischief. This is not the first time for me & you. But this is still fun for them.

You continued his activities, he began to kiss and crush me neck so that it left a red marks on me neck. You said to me "Aish Damn, why is your body always teasing me, can I have a complete body of your body tonight?". Me nodded his head and smiled very sweetly "My body is always yours. Do things as you wish". Without a signal, suddenly me kissed you lips and began to crush the springy object very softly. A hot scene began. Seen in a glass shadow, you began to take off all the clothes worn by me and took him onto the bed. Clearly seen in the shadow of the glass you kissed me entire body very brutally. You looked into me eyes then said "I love you so much me, I love everything that is in you". Long story short they also did a passionate thing between the two of them.

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📝 Secret message for me
Don't use your bracket

👤 jangan lupa bahagia

👤 cantik, bahagia ya

👤 semangat jangan menyerah, jangan lupa jaga kesehatan

👤 Semangat 45

👤 you should know how precious you're, don't forget to always greatful

👤 Gapapa gagal, besok kita cari cupang lagi ya

👤 always be happy wherever you're and don't forget to keep your smile

👤 semangat jalanin seharian kamu ya kalo kamu cape istirahat dulu

👤 kalo ada yang jahat, pukul aja

👤 i love you so much

👤 dimanapun kamu berada sekarang, bahagia selalu ya

👤 don't listen to the words of people who hurt your heart, you are perfect in the eyes of the right people ! 💞

👤 hi kk cantik, be happy ya

👤 woww

👤 be happy yaaa

👤 keep smile ya mnies

👤 you are so hot. by the way, How's your day? I hope fine 🤟🏻🪐

👤 jangan lupa eek yaw

👤 ayayuuuuuuu

👤 remember to take care of yourself

👤 jangan lupa semangat, kalo lupa ya udah gpp

👤 tetep semangat walaupun hari kamu terkadang ga sesuai ekspektasi

👤 semoga bantal kamu selalu dinginn

👤 semoga selalu dikelilingi oleh orang orang baik yaa

👤 jangan lupa senyum ya.

👤 Tetap semangat walau segan

👤 jangn lupain org satu ini yaa, orng ini sayang kamu soal nyaa, walau dia ini (aku) suka sok sibuk wkwk

👤 Semangat jalanin sehari hari yaa

👤 #olin happy kiyaawooo trs aunty kesayangan Olin, jaga kesehatan terus ya ❤️

👤 Stay happy!

👤 semangat trs ya

👤 sehat selalu cantik

👤 @semamat menjalani harimu!

👤 tetap semangat menjalani hidup lo ya maniezzz ❤️

👤 jangan lupa senyum cantik!

👤 halo halo

👤 tetap tersenyum walau dunia jaat

👤 Sehat terus jangan sakit

👤 halo canci

👤 imy

👤 Jangan pernah berhenti berkarya ye

👤 always take care on yourself

👤 ayo senyum teruss jangan nangiss ya

👤 jangan nangis terus ya

👤 Bahagia selalu yo

👤 jgn lupa ee

👤 jangan lupa untuk selalu bersyukur

👤 Sabar

👤 semangatt ngejalanin harinya yaa be happy

👤 take care

👥 97 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Ce corps manque toujours ton toucher, ces lèvres manquent toujours tes lèvres. bébé viens ici et fais-moi encore gémir ton nom sans arrêt.

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