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🔒 A whisper message to @baekyunf

@ baekyunf

SABIA Edition::I

당신은. ya:as adkel gemes | nama nya alen 😉 aku engga ngerti kenapa alen gemes banget karena selalu nyapa aku setiap papasan di kantin. alen aku perhatiin setiap istirahat selalu beli rice box 🍱 alen selalu bareng temen temen circle nya yang ya ampun pada engga kalah gemes jugaaa!♡ aku rasa circle alen emang perkumpulan adkel gemes se angkatan nya mereka deh 🌎🤍

속삭임 메시지. wm:⬇️

@ Vibtrator

SABIA Edition::B

솔직히 말하자면. tbh:aku kira kamu cowo ya ampun soalnya ganteng tapi sedikit jamet HAHAHA :DDD

gf로 이름 바꾸기. rabf/gf:mon mommy 💍💓

@ xesoheefan

SABIA Edition::A

당신을위한 3 단어. 3wfu:so fuckin’ gorgeous.

신속한. p:Cinderélle wakes to find that it had snowed overnight and gets excited about playing in it. Anya gets excited because this means that when Anya comes inside, it will be time for cuddling by the fire.

@ iJungHoseokie

SABIA Edition::S

첫인상. fi:errr- pertama kali kenal aldy my thoughts straight away ‘kerasa bgt anak sq nya’ LMAO :DDD seems a cuek an person but still humble at the same time! yang paling aku inget dari channel kamu ya J-Hope rambut putih 🌬

fmkkh:a big huggg 🫂

무작위 노래. rs:⬇️

Forward from: ch bakal main di board

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[ help forward ] peek-a-boo! I'm here to calling out all Roséanne Park and Jung Jaehyun rp-ers!! their birthdays are coming soon, we can count down the days yeay! who want to liven up for their special day? sooo— please drip-drop your precious nickname and your cool username to my bot! much obliged

Forward from: 𝕋acenda
Hello pretty soul! i’m calling all Roseanne Park, Johnny Seo, Jung Jaehyun rp ers to invite them for celebrate their birthday. So kindly drop your name and your pretty username in here. Thank you so much!

Forward from: trouvaille.
[HFW] For all the precious souls, the souls i've been waiting for, i'm calling out all Jung Jaehyun Rp-Ers to celebrate his birthday on February. Drop ur precious Nickname + Username to my bot. Thank you, and wishing you a wonderful day 🙇🏻‍♀️💌.

Forward from: ㅤㅤ 𝐒trānge ㅤㅤ
Help Forward. Roséanne Park and Jung Jaehyun Rp-ers please show up yourselves by contacting this bot. Because i want to celebrate their birthday on February. Thank you so much!

Forward from: Porslinshy.
[ HFW ] Hello Lovely Souls🕵🏻‍♀ ! Bidding my Warmest Greeting to all the happiest People! I'm here to calling out al Roséanne Park and Jung Jaehyun Rp-ers to celebrate them birthday on February. So, give me your beautiful and Cool Nickname + Username to my bot. Thank you so much and i hope you always have a wonderfull day, Love!💐💟

Forward from: OFC MOMMY COLMEX
Halo! Bisa bantu meneruskan pesan ini? Aku memanggil kamu yang memakai muse Roséanne Park untuk absen ulang tahun pada bulan Februari mendatang. Silahkan kunjungi bot ini, lalu sebut nama dan tanda pengguna mu. Terima kasih.

Forward from: 𖦹__★? 𝘽𝙀𝘼𝙐𝙏𝙔
❗️[ HFW ]❗️Grandiloquent and opulence greetings to the entire soul who read this fabulous message. Im calling out all Roseanne Park & Jeong Jaehyun rp-ers to fill the absent list, for celebrate they Birthday party the next few days. Just drop your username & nickname and send through this bot. Thank you and have a pleasant day.

Forward from: Night Changes.
[HFW] Warm regards to precious souls. i'm calling out all of Kang Seulgi, Jeong Jaehyun, and Roseanne Park rp - ers who's willing to be absent. kindly drop your nickname and username in here . thank you for participating and have a pleasant day!

Forward from: Enchantress
Bidding my warmest greetings to all the happiest and most precious people, i want to calling out Rose and Jaehyun rp-ers to do an absent for their birthday. kindly drop your nickname and id here. If you don’t minde, please help forward this message to your channel? thank you.

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