t.me/Jinnygpark 's special board.
{Luffy: First Impression}
Pertama kali liat rp Jinny, cantik amat mbaknya. Like “ anjay, jinny ”
{Sanji: FMKKH}
I'll chose hug you, bcz pelukan itu nyaman.
{Chopper: shordesc}
Cleora, in terms of accounts keliatan elegan, suangar poll. I also think that you are an ignorant person. Tapi setelah gua liat lo interaksi sama moots, lumayan jamet yh. Talkactive plus keliatan gampang berbaur. Dalam hal saluran, mulai dah ada warnanya, keliatan manis, anggun and ofc pretty. U really like bringing the real Park Jinny. I don't really know you, so here's the description that i gave according to what i see about you. 🤍
{Franky: rate set up}
9/10 simple but so pretty.
{Brook: you as emoji}
{Jinbei: ship you with}
I'll ship you with Suga.
{Nami: 3 words that describe you}
Jinny, color, and pretty.
{Robin: to be honest}
You're pretty sweet
{Zoro: random song}
{Usopp: whisper message}