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📔Kant and Modern Philosophy

📇 editor: Paul Guyer


The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy: The philosophy of Immanuel Kant is the watershed of modern thought, which irrevocably changed the landscape of the field and prepared the way for all the significant philosophical movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This 2006 volume, which complements The Cambridge Companion to Kant, covers every aspect of Kant’s philosophy, with a particular focus on his moral and political philosophy. It also provides detailed coverage of Kant’s historical context and of the enormous impact and influence that his work has had on the subsequent history of philosophy. The bibliography also offers extensive and organized coverage of both classical and recent books on Kant. This volume thus provides the broadest and deepest introduction currently available on Kant and his place in modern philosophy, making accessible the philosophical enterprise of Kant to those coming to his work for the first time


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📔Kant and Modern Philosophy

📇 editor: Paul Guyer


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📙Sexual problems of Youths

✒️writer:Nasir Makarim Shirazi


In this book, the author has explained the reasons for the sexual problems being faced by the Muslim youth. He talks about the impediments to marriage and the sexual perversions that result in the youth being unmarried. Lastly, he presents advice on how to deal with this problem


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📙Sexual problems of Youths

✒️writer:Nasir Makarim Shirazi


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Digital Book:
📙Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

📝editor: Muhammad Khalid 


Recent events have focused attention on the perceived differences and tensions between the Muslim world and the modern West. As a major strand of Western public discourse has it, Islam appears resistant to internal development and remains inherently pre-modern. However Muslim societies have experienced most of the same structural changes that have impacted upon all societies: massive urbanisation, mass education, dramatically increased communication, the emergence of new types of institutions and associations, some measure of political mobilisation, and major transformations of the economy. These developments are accompanied by a wide range of social movements and by complex and varied religious and ideological debates. This textbook is a pioneering study providing an introduction to and overview of the debates and questions that have emerged regarding Islam and modernity. Key issues are selected to give readers an understanding of the complexity of the phenomenon from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. The various manifestations of modernity in Muslim life discussed include social change and the transformation of political and religious institutions, gender politics, changing legal regimes, devotional practices and forms of religious association, shifts in religious authority, and modern developments in Muslim religious thought.


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📙Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates

📝editor: Muhammad Khalid 


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📙The Influence Of Islam On Medieval Europe

✒️writer: W. Montgomery Watt


In this admirable book Montgomery Watt traces the influence of Islam in medieval Europe, looking in detail at commerce, science and technology, philosophy, and the development of European self-awareness in the Middle Ages.


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📙The Influence Of Islam On Medieval Europe

✒️writer: W. Montgomery Watt


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📙Is the Trinity Doctrine Divinely Inspired?

📝 writer: M.A.C. Cave


This publication, “Is the TRINITY DOCTRINE Divinely Inspired?”, should serve as food for thought to every right minded person and the followers of Modern Christianity. The concept of the Trinity has baffled every Christian denomination. Although Mr. M. A. C. Cave was a Christian who believed in the Trinity before, when he carried-out his research into the origin of this doctrine, he discovered to his utter amazement that it was a later development conceived and engineered by various Christian writers and thinkers. Mr. M. A. C. Cave builds up evidence that the Trinity is nothing but a man- made doctrine that falls short of being a revelation from God. Subsequently, this tailor-made doctrine lost its angularity on account of built-in contradictions and proved thorny on the side of Christian hierarchy in general and the clergy in particular who are trying to prop it up. It is unacceptable on the part of the right thinking person to hold to this dogma inspite of all its flaws. Man being rational, he should be more critical of issues of spiritual aspect which are vital to his life. He should attempt to peep into others religious scriptures around for a convincing truth. And, he should not let himself be a victim of complacency and blind faith as in the past.


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📙Is the Trinity Doctrine Divinely Inspired?

📝 writer: M.A.C. Cave


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📕 Commanders of the Muslim Army

✒️writer: Mahmood Ahmad 



This book is about the life stories of Prophet Muhammad’s companions who led the Muslim army and were trained by the Prophet. These great martial commanders improved upon and developed the strategies and principles.


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📕 Commanders of the Muslim Army

✒️writer: Mahmood Ahmad 


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Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal

✒️writer: Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal


One of the greatest compilations of the sunnah and books of hadith is the Musnad by Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, which is organized into compilations of the hadiths narrated by each Companion (Sahabi), starting with the ‘asharah mubashsharah (“the ten who were promised Paradise”). This highlights their status and the efforts they made to preserve the ahadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (S).


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Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal

✒️writer: Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal


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📘 The Choice Islam
& Christianity Vol 2

✒️writer:Ahmed Deedat


The Choice – Islam and Christianity: Two Volumes, By Ahmed Deedat, An excellent book discussing Islam and Christianity in the light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah.


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📘 The Choice Islam
& Christianity Vol 2

✒️writer:Ahmed Deedat


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Imam Mahdi (atfs)

writer: Sakina Hasan Askari


It is our duty to recognise the Imam of our time. Learn about the 12th Imam, about his parents, his birth, his ghaibat. Find out what our duties are as his followers and how we can connect with him


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Imam Mahdi (atfs)

writer: Sakina Hasan Askari


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متن خيلى جالب پيدا كردم از كتاب فارسى دبستان سال ١٣٢٤ ، ببينيد سطح آموزش در آن دوران چگونه بود!...:
دو برادر مادر پیر و بيماري داشتند .
با خود قرار گذاشتند که يکي خدمت خدا کند و ديگري در خدمت مادر باشد يکي به صومعه رفت و به عبادت مشغول شد و ديگري در خانه ماند و به پرستاري مادر مشغول شد .
چندي نگذشت برادر صومعه نشين مشهور عام و خاص شد و به خود غره شد که خدمت من ارزشمندتر از خدمت برادرم است ، چرا که او در اختيار مخلوق است و من در خدمت خالق .
همان شب پروردگار را در خواب ديد که وي را خطاب کرد : به حرمت برادرت تو را بخشيدم
برادر صومعه نشين اشک در چشمانش آمد و گفت : يا رب ، من در خدمت تو بودم و او در خدمت مادر ، چگونه است مرا به حرمت او مي بخشي ، آيا آنچه کرده ام مايه رضاي تو نيست .َ ندا رسيد : آنچه تو مي کني من از آن بي نيازم ولي مادرت از آنچه او مي کند بي نياز نيست ...
کتاب فارسي دبستان سال ۱۳۲۴
به فرزندان خود انسان بودن بیاموزیم.

به ما پیوندید



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