✨3 types of moisturising agent✨
Perasan tak kat moisturizer mesti ada antara ingredients ni? Btw ada 3 types agen pelembab and function dia pon berbeza jugak. Here some info ringkas⭐️
1. Humectant (tarik air ke skin)
-recommended for oily, combination skin
-cth ing mcm Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, glycerin, urea
2. Occlusive (lock hydration)
-recommended for extremely dry skin, damaged skin
-time breakout ssuai guna
-bleh clogged pores jugak for sstgh skin
-cth ing, silicone, dimethicone, lanolin, mineral oil, beeswax, petroleum jelly
3. Emollient (improve skin texture(
-recommended for dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles
-anti aging semula jadi
-cth ing mcm oatmeal, shea butter, ceramide
Perasan tak kat moisturizer mesti ada antara ingredients ni? Btw ada 3 types agen pelembab and function dia pon berbeza jugak. Here some info ringkas⭐️
1. Humectant (tarik air ke skin)
-recommended for oily, combination skin
-cth ing mcm Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, glycerin, urea
2. Occlusive (lock hydration)
-recommended for extremely dry skin, damaged skin
-time breakout ssuai guna
-bleh clogged pores jugak for sstgh skin
-cth ing, silicone, dimethicone, lanolin, mineral oil, beeswax, petroleum jelly
3. Emollient (improve skin texture(
-recommended for dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles
-anti aging semula jadi
-cth ing mcm oatmeal, shea butter, ceramide