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arpi mark absen kesini yukk

Forward from: Sacrifice
rp Mark Lee absen kesini yug @karinalsbot

Forward from: 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐈 ’
Rp Chaewon, absen kesini. Langsung drop nama sama usn. Nanti gua kasih seblak gratis si sponsori pinterest.

Forward from: 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐈 ’
Rp Mark, bisa absen kesini? Langsung send nama sama usn.

Forward from: 03.00 am
Rp Mark absen sini dong

Rp Mark absen sini

Forward from: 03.00 am

yg keep @ksrina tolong balikin dong ke @karinayqoo atau @pacarjenollebot, itu gue baru beli banget semalem abis menang offer an, pagi tadi mau gue pake buat PU tp pas mau dipake usn nya limit.
Gue tunggu lah 15 menit, pas mau dipake udh kamu keep, please buat yg keep lepasin ya? Gue udh ngidam dr lama usn Karina.
Gue ad buktinya kok kalo itu usn punya gue.

Forward from: Melya Asset
[ moots, help fw. thank you ]

jadi ceritanya temenku mau pake pu @xMark, tapi dia limit. dan bodoh nya dia mantengin nya 35 menit bukan 25 menit😭 jadinya kecolongan, deh. tolong, balikin ke @balikinxmarkplis ya? ada bukti kepemilikannya kok.

Haekal adjiandra as Lee donghyuck

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