The 14th Commander, Hange.

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ㅤDue to new @telegram's privacy policy, i declare that i'm not the real Hange Zoe from Attack on Titan. This account and channel just for roleplay.
contact : @jwuzou
archive : @archivefrzda

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jdi nokos atau apalah ini

btw yg rpa jg ada yg curang, rp mikey

ada bnyak si rpk yg curang di ch lama, pda gnti usn ch + ga menguntungkan👎

jgn prnah sfs an atau trade sma mrka, mrka curang

oke, butuh bbrpa hari, semoga ga limit

help fw moots, saya klo gabut suka bkin usn

📝 drop ur @ + muse, nnti saya bikinin usn chra. only rpa ya, soalnya yg rpk psti udh bnyak di keep

👤 @Shirahoshiohime + Shirahoshi

👤 @eit4aqr + gaeul webtoon

👤 @kyofka Miyo Sasaki, kalau bisa usn nya pakai huruf yang rata ya kak, makasii

👤 @QHUETAO + dominique

👤 @Sxasgz_7775 + shinazugawa Sanemi

👤 @yubzuha yuzuha

👤 @SanhoEmma emma

👤 @mafuyujsato mafuyu

👤 @RoxieAgriche + cayena^^

👤 @kcshinobu + shinobu

👤 @sengyju + kawaragi senju

👤 @piratenavigator + nami

👤 @lHeTian, he tian

👤 @husbulugepenk tomohisa kitakado

👤 @Jyouko + Kyouko Hori

👤 @HajimeKokonoei Kokonoi Hajime

👤 @asanagiyorii asanagi yori

👤 @Utsuugikotoko + Shuichi saihara

👤 @ofcleotsukinaga + leo tsukinaga

👤 @ofcyuzuhashiba + hori kyouko

👤 @IKujouhsara + anemo slime/kujou sara

👤 @anzzufutaba + Anzu futaba :D

👤 @Warabihimedakie + daki

👤 @yuosano + yosano akiko. Makasih yaa :D

👤 @iKamuiyato + kamui yato

👤 @Reekiikyann + Reki kyan

👤 @mannjiroo manjiro

👤 @hiKeqing + keqing

👤 @dMakiema + makima

👤 @meglumin + rindou kobayashi

👤 kenma

👤 @EmmaSanvo, Emma

👥 32 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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mls keep lg shsh, klo dibuang syg

bnran free kok, ga bayar, msa gda yg mau😔

nico robin udh diambil

klo mau chat aja si, free kok. ntar saya tf own

ada momo yaoyorozu, deku, dazai, karma, nico robin, itsuki, yuzuha shiba, emma sano, kugisaki, makima csw, sano shiniciro

keep an saya ada 10+ gda yg mau kh?😓

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📝 📝drop ur + Ch For sfs main acc with @.Alrnlukexv thnks ! [Help fw]

👤 @akinorif + @fukucrodani

👤 @zeninmvki + @ternoleps

👤 @DaenYang + @GhosstWife

👤 @qiiuutong + @iSungjinGf tysm!

👤 @paawaAaa + @blO_odFiend tysm yaa! :DD

👤 @iSanoShinichirou + @ArmedDetectiveAgencyy

👤 Hi, @PwettyToy & @CuteBlondes :D

👤 @iynggi4kane + @ynggiakane

👤 @Bajikezsuke + @dVaIhalla

👤 @Tohm4 + @penstalkerhandal

👥 10 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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