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@drbradleycampbell Dr Brad Campbell

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This is from the 2016 World Science Festival, S. Matthew Liao speaking. It’s not the only recording out there, I’ve seen a few more recent ones with world leaders at the WEF advocating for the same…

FYI an anti parasitic medication that the gvt has had a smear campaign against has reversed alpha-gal syndrome in some people! As has diff anti parasitic herbs… food for thought 💭 🤔

The globalists CLEARLY don’t want this video or knowledge being seen or known…

Many vaccines contain gelatin and eggs and animal byproducts that can also make people allergic to meat as well.

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For above spike protocol, I would replace zinc zyme forte with nattokinase (take nattokinase by Numedica 1, 2x/day away from food). Use Neem only short term like for a bottle. The others longer term for spike issues from long haul Covid or vaccines. Then I may consider anti inflammatories for the brain and whatever else got impacted. Everyone has different reactions. Ask your doctor what’s right for you, this is general considerations.

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Resharing some of the protocols I recommend for C-19 and shedding/jab detox. I tweak them based on the person, obviously but these are generally very useful supplements you can get on the fullscript store linked in the bio of my Instagram profile bio.

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I get this ? A lot- will having sex or kids with someone who was jabbed created GMO kids or messed up kids?

My answer- No. There could be issues we won’t know about yet, for years or decades like happened with DES Diethylstilbestrol. But logically, although there MAY be a slight chance of a few eggs or sperm getting damaged by the PEG that lodges there, it should not affect future kids much (hopefully).

Having sex with someone shouldn’t affect you, bc the spike proteins antibodies in mucus membrane antibodies (IgA) that is there lasts a couple months, and even if it is there, shouldn’t cause any issues for MOST people.

You can also see my detox protocols above for more info if you’d like to maybe support that process, though the body is innately intelligent and should be able to do this on its own, you’re just speeding up the process IF its still going on.

Ironically, the anxiety ABOUT being with a jabbed person would also create major problems so try to do what you can but not live out of fear. Choose to maybe wait 2-3 months post Covid jab to procreate but otherwise you should be ok, generally based on current knowledge

This is so sad. It makes perfect sense. Mimic nature and things go better. Go against nature and bad things happen. FYI- nature isn’t typically injecting us with mRNA particles and the research now shows clearly (yet again) that natural immunity is way better than synthetic. So the real ? is who, if anyone, would a booster or initial Covid shot ACTUALLY be good for at this point? Probably almost zero people. The risk outweighs pretty much all benefit at this point for 99%


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Resharing some of the protocols I recommend for C-19 and shedding/jab detox. I tweak them based on the person, obviously but these are generally very useful supplements you can get on the fullscript store linked in the bio of my Instagram profile bio.

This protocol the spike shedding/resonance last sheet here id tweak a bit for detoxing from a Covid shot. I’d prioritize Glutathione, Livton complex, premier Vitamin C, and D Hist. Those are the best ways to help protect your body from any potential issues from it, as well as Symplex m for men or Symplex F for women, and Cardiotrophin PMG by standard process for heart protection.

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SNL woody Harrelson and of course the media calls him a conspiracy theorist anti-Vaxxer for saying this truth.

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