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📝 drop '@' as ... untuk mendapatkan fakechat

👤 @najaeminqs as ur bro

👤 @Prasasmita as selingkuhan jungkook

👤 @fjaernin as dede

👤 @aekareena as temen gibah

👤 @captaijn as big bro

👤 @oitTehyung temen tongkrongan

👤 @reeujin as temen jajan

👤 @LadiestChaeyoung as ur crush

👤 @leemiznhyung bebas

👤 @hongdaebin as temen sekelas

👤 @leenakkoq as twins cyg muah

👤 @revalano

👥 12 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

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bts just released their new album , congratulations to all bts rp-ers especially for :

Wiljas , Kara , Argus , Chris , Sehan , Forrest , Gaska , Vethanuel , Kargas , Raka , Jendra , Javor , Nendra , Muffie , Albian , Juan.

once again congrats and have a nice day guys

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Bantu sebar ke ch kalian yuk

Tolong bantu report ch @repannii, dia nyolong ch temen gue dengan alasan awal mau beli dan takut kena hnr, tapi setelah itu dia clear chat sama temen gue.
Tolong bantu sampe bener - bener ke report, kalo ada yang sfsan sama dia langsung unsubs aja ya, makasih

report pornografi atau kekerasan pada anak anak biar cepet

yang punya acc sfs, bantu report pake acc sfs lu juga ya, makasih banyak.

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ㅤ on long temporary swap.

we laugh together , we cry together these simple feelings were everything I had when will it be ? if I see you again i will look into your eyes and say , " I missed you "

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