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Forward from: General Flynn ️
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Why are the deep state dems throwing Fraudci under the bus?
  •   They need a new pawn who can keep their story straight as to not expose them
  •   They know the Wuhan bio-weapon storyline is a big deal and they need a fall guy
  •   Other (list your reason in the comments)
52 votes

Idk why they're throwing him under the bus but I suspect he's no longer the pawn they desire. Pretty incredible to witness actually.

You guys Fraudci is done for... I'll drop some stuff here

A lot of people are questioning @PatrickMByrne motives right now after comments from @theprofessorsrecord regarding "pay-triots" charging for content. This, following what many consider to be underwhelming predictions on revelations tied to dates by Patrick.

I wanna chime in because I think a few things are important and need to be said...

#1) I have the utmost respect for both Patrick and David and their respective channels and work their doing. Both are true patriots rising to the occasion. Also I feel incredibly honored to have www.ElectionEvidence.com cited as a resource on the professors record and told by Patrick he's used the website as a resource as well. To know that our resource is reaching people like David, Patrick, and more, is truly humbling. With that said, I can truly understand David's remarks and why he would be upset at the situation. I think perhaps, some clarity would be good for all and I hope by making this post it helps.

#2) We're all on the same team and all of us are fighting for election integrity. United we stand and divided we fall.

#3) I can understand why people have been less than thrilled about Patrick's "hand grenades" but it's my opinion that, collectively, most patriots are both underestimating the role the movie will play along with the book being translated. I believe the MOAB will make these moves FAR more important than we understand right now.

I could be wrong, time will tell...

But if you're following closely, what do Mike Lindell and team keep saying? We're going to the people first, THEN SCOTUS.

Distribution of information is the most crucial element when you're fighting an information war; we must not forget the type of war we're fighting.

#4) You know what's needed to distribute goods and services and ideas? Especially in the middle of an information war?


When most people talk about money, they bring in deep rooted thoughts, feelings, emotions, and energy subconsciously held regarding money into a conversation...

Not saying David is doing this at all, but I believe many Patriots may forget about this when reading the post.

But money isn't a bad thing, money is simply a tool (that can be used for good or bad) and as an entrepreneur, Patrick understands that.

Patrick has sunk over 1.5Mil of his personal funds into election integrity projects and hasn't got a dime back. When you factor his time as an entrepreneur to be working on this, he's lost FAR MORE than he has gained by being involved as he has.

The America Project isn't design to pay him back... The America Project is designed to keep funding the fight... Distribution of information and organization of local groups.

$5 for a subscription to locals and charging the minimum on Amazon for a book are not how successful entrepreneurs "price their services" if they want to get rich.

Instead Pat wants the information to be available to all and he wants to multiply the resources within the movement.

#5) I could be wrong about the whole thing. But, Thursday to me is still Margarita MOAB Thursday. If it's not? Or if my opinions about Patrick change at any point? I'll come out and publicly tell you guys how I feel. But for now, In my opinion, it's WAYYY too not only shortsighted, but far too early to write off Patrick for a few announcements where we really don't know the details yet.

Agree? Disagree? Comment over here t.me/electionevidence

Forward from: Michigan Audit
HELP SHARE & GET OTHERS TO CALL. BLOW UP THEIR PHONES. Please help even if you are not a MI resident.

We the People, demand a complete forensic audit for the state of Michigan. To date, an audit has not been conducted.

An "audit" is defined by the Michigan Bureau of Elections, Post-Election Audit Manual, Updated 1/15/20, as an independent examination & "thorough review of pre-election and election day documents to determine if procedures were properly followed according to state law & established procedures".

THIS HAS NOT BEEN DONE! Call Today, Call All Next Week. Leave Messages.

Let ‘em have it! You can cite directly from the Post-Election Audit Manual, Found here:

OR from the Email Template write-up, Here: https://t.me/MichiganAudit/116

You can also reference Attorney Matt DePerno’s findings, all documents and filings can be found on his website: https://www.depernolaw.com/


Forward from: LibertyOverwatch

⬆️ Robin Vos is an absolute COWARD who could use a little "encouragement" to step up and do the right thing.

Patriots, give him a call and help him out a little bit.

Subscribe @electionevidence


Forward from: Nick Moseder
This occurred throughout NH and we have the tabulator tapes to prove it. Yet the auditors are totally uninterested and not at all suggesting we need a statewide audit... You would think auditors would support more audits right?

Forward from: Nick Moseder
KILLCHAIN documentary (starring Harri Hursti) is an absolute MUST WATCH! Around 1 hour and 7 minutes, Hursti and Stark discuss a machine anomaly in Georgia... They show how, in a heavily democratic precinct, 1 machine out of 7 showed republicans winning down the ballot. They suggest that this is nearly impossible and means the machine had malware on it. Phillip Stark calculates that this is a 1 in a million statistical probability...

Now, in this spreadsheet from the 2020 election, we see the exact same phenomenon where machine 2 reveals democrats winning down ballot in a heavily REPUBLICAN precinct!

These guys know exactly what they’re looking at with machine 2, but they’re only interested in the truth when Democrats like Stacy Abrams lose!

Forward from: KanekoaTheGreat
Twitter suspended the INVENTOR of mRNA technology for saying that vaccinated persons could shed the spike protein.

Subscribe: @KanekoaTheGreat

Forward from: CJTRUTH (OFFICIAL)
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This is the stage the Anons are in. We are waking up and really starting to realize how powerful we truly are. “PEOPLE [UNITED] HAVE THE POWER.”

We are all in different stages in this information war that is ultimately a spiritual war. Some have just woken up and started to grow and some have been awakened for years.

We are at different stages in this Great Awakening. Once the Patriots understand how truly powerful we are with God’s help, nothing can stop us! This is why the Deep State/Fake News Media complex is such in a panic today. Keep the faith! GOD WINS! 👍🙏

Forward from: Patrick M. Byrne
Sign and Share the petition to Audit votes in PA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Forward from: Patrick M. Byrne
There is a video ( https://patrickbyrne.locals.com/upost/651548/exclusive-video-mike-lindell-we-have-the-voting-machines-its-over-for-dominion-you-could-c ) by Mike Lindell. You should really watch it. I vouch for what he is saying.

I recently told a story in an interview ( https://patrickbyrne.locals.com/post/715151/exclusive-video-my-second-announcement-on-steel-truth-with-ann-vandersteel ), so I may as well repeat it here.

In gaming there are things they call, “Easter eggs“. It refers to special tricks in the game, Commands that are not obvious and are not in any manual. If you are somehow on the inside, you know that “when you reach the Volcano of Doom, if you pluck this flower and kick that rock, it opens up the special passageway that no one else knows about.”

I will not identify the brand of election machine, but I can leak this much: at least one of the brands of voting machines has been found to have such “Easter eggs”. Imagine a command for an optical scanner that reads, “do not see red ink” but really DOES “do not count Republican votes”. For other crazy combinations of buttons that no one would randomly type, but if you happen to know them, functionally do the same thing. That is an odd thing, to bury such Easter eggs in there election equipment, don’t you think?

Forward from: Garrett Ziegler
A man who I loathe deeply

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