Forward from: Roly Dove - DEBUT!!!!
the st'ry goeth, in 1980, wh're t stops and disappears in the roar of the waves. nay one knoweth how t all did turn out because those gents hath chosen to keepeth t quiet, the st'ry might has't hath seemed sh'rt but full of meaning, coequal though those gents hadn't yet did share loveth, t wouldst has't been enow. but in octob'r 1990, 15 in melbourne, enow wast the news of joyous rum'rs
i. to celebrate the debut, then we hold a 15% discount for all catalogs (unless the catalog ready)
ii. any purchase over 8,000 IDR will be discount 25%
t wast a depress'd and joyous news, not a day without the w'rds of happiness in yond dram wench's that from which we speak. coequal though that gent wast the only one who is't hath felt joyous, yet that gent at each moment did look f'rward to ev'ryone's joyous welcometh
i. to celebrate the debut, then we hold a 15% discount for all catalogs (unless the catalog ready)
ii. any purchase over 8,000 IDR will be discount 25%
t wast a depress'd and joyous news, not a day without the w'rds of happiness in yond dram wench's that from which we speak. coequal though that gent wast the only one who is't hath felt joyous, yet that gent at each moment did look f'rward to ev'ryone's joyous welcometh