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✦ contact person: @enchansitebot.
✦ archive: @enchansites.
✦ testimonial: tiny.cc/enchansite.

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halo temen temen! aku open ya, jangan lupa baca regulations dan cek katalog-nya, t.me/enchansite/30. have a nice day, good people!

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✦#아주깔끔하다: set avatar, rapihin ava.

✦ #화려한무드보드: moodboard custom.

✦ #화려한무드보드: for our moodboard.
✦ #아주깔끔하다: for our set avatar.

ㅤㅤ✦ regulations.

i. payment first, available via all wallet (QRIS).
ii. customer mengisi format dengan detail dan jelas.
iii. estimasi pengerjaan satu sampai empat hari.
iv. revisi dapat dilakukan sebanyak satu kali.

i seem to have misplaced my destiny in the search for love, five fewer pounds, better glass frames. or perhaps my destiny has misplaced me, while books go unwritten, music never heard, injustice not addressed. meanwhile, i walk the dog, shop for food, do the laundry. and here’s the downtown bus─i am running, per usual, about five minutes late.

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