1. Anterior commissure is difficult to visualize or examine on indirect laryngoscopy
2. Laryngeal mirror is warmed before use by placing glass surface on flame
3.. Cricothyroid is the only intrinsic muscle of larynx that lies outside the laryngeal framework
4.. Palpatory thud, audible slap is seen in tracheal foreign body
5. Epiglottitis in a 2-year-old child occurs most commonly due to infection with Haemophilus influenzae
6. Thumb sign in lateral X-ray of neck seen in epiglottitis
7.In acute epiglottitis, common cause of death is respiratory obstruction
8. The antibiotic of choice in acute epiglottitis pending culture sensitivity report is Ampicillin
9. In Pachydermia laryngitis, the most common site of involvement of arytenoids cartilage
10. Steeple sign is seen in croup
11. Tubercular laryngitis primarily affects posterior commissure of larynx
12. Reinke's edema is seen in edges of vocal cords
13. Pharyngeal Pseudosulcus is seen secondary to laryngopharyngeal reflux
14.In dysphonia plica ventricularis, sound is produced by false vocal cords