{ please precocious this mail–boxes to y'r métier artery! your measures is very help us, thank a bunch! }
ㅤㅤㅤ 💌💌 .. (/) “ dewy–modish sheet’s o!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤglossy brochures has come out! ”
ʚ .. ♡ who doesn't know this dossiers?? there are myriad varieties of plebeians in the tiny mail–box on gracious media primed for this. yep, that's right! the grandiose aperture o! adorable market that has a idiosyncratic & stink like aroma o’ y2k, they're in the saddle to scrutinized every-veer of the pamphlets (.n) ballyhoo, rose-nymph doodads w: shimmering nuances of gleams padding the lacuna with recherché knick-knacks! there are so multifold various hidden-gems for trade!! the marionette’s at the boundaries of the margin elevated and said a colloquial "come to t.me/eoomph grand opening & fight to get unique items from the most primary!"
< .. 🧸🎀 t.me/eoomph/18 > marionette’s void of at a settled & pushed knob to gain entrée ‘e cryptic margin, oh no?! it's a shivery luggage what i'm scrutiny for!
ㅤㅤㅤ 💌💌 .. (/) “ dewy–modish sheet’s o!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤglossy brochures has come out! ”
ʚ .. ♡ who doesn't know this dossiers?? there are myriad varieties of plebeians in the tiny mail–box on gracious media primed for this. yep, that's right! the grandiose aperture o! adorable market that has a idiosyncratic & stink like aroma o’ y2k, they're in the saddle to scrutinized every-veer of the pamphlets (.n) ballyhoo, rose-nymph doodads w: shimmering nuances of gleams padding the lacuna with recherché knick-knacks! there are so multifold various hidden-gems for trade!! the marionette’s at the boundaries of the margin elevated and said a colloquial "come to t.me/eoomph grand opening & fight to get unique items from the most primary!"
< .. 🧸🎀 t.me/eoomph/18 > marionette’s void of at a settled & pushed knob to gain entrée ‘e cryptic margin, oh no?! it's a shivery luggage what i'm scrutiny for!