Forward from: Vault of Secrets - Unpopular History
Breaking the immigration laws as part of a permanent communist revolution in the UK.
The modern breaking down of borders, mixing of all races, forcing together (and then removing) religions has been since the beginning an international movement proposed as a permanent revolution doctrine by Lev Bronstein ("Trostsky") who participated in the destruction of Imperial Russia and was an accomplice in the murder of the Russian monarch. The movement has nothing to do with helping the nation, but to destroy nationalism for the benefit of internationalism (a one world nation) under socialist rule. In the pamphlet of the International (1969) a declaration was made that the permanent revolution has reached England. It's goal stated that it must immediately remove "racist laws". The movement is international. Looking deep into the background of the immigration movement in the UK are clear traces of it's communist origin disguised for the ignorant as democracy.
The modern breaking down of borders, mixing of all races, forcing together (and then removing) religions has been since the beginning an international movement proposed as a permanent revolution doctrine by Lev Bronstein ("Trostsky") who participated in the destruction of Imperial Russia and was an accomplice in the murder of the Russian monarch. The movement has nothing to do with helping the nation, but to destroy nationalism for the benefit of internationalism (a one world nation) under socialist rule. In the pamphlet of the International (1969) a declaration was made that the permanent revolution has reached England. It's goal stated that it must immediately remove "racist laws". The movement is international. Looking deep into the background of the immigration movement in the UK are clear traces of it's communist origin disguised for the ignorant as democracy.