The Satanic infestation of National Socialism

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The Intolerants are a den of Satanism.
St.Michael protect us from evil.
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These satanic neonazi cults on telegram are confirmed FBI cointelpro operations.

📄 Source of Information

If you cannot see what they are doing then you're not that bright. They're using O9A and Paganism to entrap people.

Why else are they getting made that we are "Deradicalizing" the youth?

Forward from: Exposing O9A Glowniggers
Daily reminder O9A Satanists and kikes alike are Feds

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In The Poisonous Mushroom, Julius Streicher calls the Jews a criminal mob that want to destroy the Christian Church from within.

Anyone that claims Streicher was an enemy of the faith is spreading misinformation to justify their own (((anti-christian))) attitudes.

Did a bit of digging into some submissions made to our tip email, this is one that stood out.

This is the same group that tried to take over and reboot Atomwaffen Division.

The same group of faggots forgot to leave out the O9A symbol in their picture.

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If you see them, call them out, and if they're in your groups, ban them.

If you're safeguarding these faggots, you'll be considered one of them.


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Watch this and share it around.

It contains tons of important information regarding "Siegeculture" and James Mason.

We need to stop tolerating this nonsense.

Forward from: Sicherheitsdienst
Btw, the quote is by Hermann Rauschning, a German traitor who fled in 36, before WW2 even started.

These faggots cant even quote the right person, and even then they can't even get the full quote.

Stop following these morons. Stop believing in mass murder and terror, get away from the cities, home school your children, and for fucks sake find God.

Stop believing these morons, they are not National Socialists.

Forward from: Sicherheitsdienst

The Hatekvlt faggots at it again with the astounding lack of historical knowledge!

They use this quote:

"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future."

However, this is from the same Anti-German propaganda film by the US Government titled "Why we fight!"

You can find a complete debunking of this quote in this article from National Vanguard.

Man, it's just not a good month for the faggots over at Hatekvlt.

They looked at old US propaganda pieces to pull out misquoted men to justify their little Noctulian campaign of terror.

You faggots are done.

The Hatekvlt crew loves mentioning Bormann, but they refuse to touch up on the topic of Bormann "led a kind of crusade against everything that was connected in any way with occultism. This went so far that magicians were only allowed to perform when they revealed their magic tricks, such as the sawed-up maiden"


Funny though that they harp on about Bormann being Pagan, yet history doesn't reflect this at all

The groups that are busy infesting our movement are a hybrid of O9A and Tempel ov Blood.

Both of these groups need to be stamped out, and sitting and showing what they are doing or discussing their movement in detail won't help. Doxxing them will.

Knowing their real names and their faces is the only way to remove this infestation.

There are several groups, called Nexions, which are full of individuals called "Noctulian".

These Noctulian, they have an end goal. Part of reaching that end goal is to completely drain their spirit of good and replace it with as much evil as possible.

How do they do that? By committing as much sin as possible.

Lying, cheating, stealing, rape, and murder.

There are many other things that they can do in order to reach their goals.

1 of these goals involves larping as National Socialists, and in many cases, as Communists.

Zealous-Apostle and TheDarkForeigner both have done Communist and Marxist art.

TheDarkForeigner even put out a piece of art literally titled "Noctulian"

Their end goal isn't for these groups that they larp for, their end goal is Satanism.

They will lie to you, it is instructed and commanded of them by their religion.

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Chaos is what Satanists champion. Pure contrarianism. If there was a Fascist status quo, they’d be Anarchists/Communists who’d attempt to destroy it. Chaos is the enemy of Natural Order (the entire philosophical basis of Fascism). Satanists will attempt to manipulate Fascist principles like elements of Social Darwinism (despite Satanic Darwinism being derived from egoistic principles, like Ayn Rand, Max Stirner, and so on - a sociopath’s interpretation). They’ll even try to claim they believe in ‘Natural Order’. It’s all a lie to placate you. They’ll often pretend they’re just Esotericists, ala Esoteric Hitlerism, and turn people of a similar disposition to their ‘left hand path’ magick. They’ll use the natural anti-Christian feeling to get Pagans on their side to oust Christians who won’t go along with their Satanized subversion of Christianity.

No tolerance is the virtue of Fascism, so there should be no tolerance for Satanic egoists trying to hollow out Fascist groups into degenerate sadist dens. You’ll be able to see them occasionally, they don’t hide as much since they were exposed. If you call them out they will go through a script of responses until falling back into ‘
It’s just a meme’, or say ‘Satanic panic’. Don’t fall for it.

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Part 1

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Recently it’s been proven there are Satanists trying to subvert Fascism/National Socialism (Atomwaffen, but not limited to) toward an egoistic, sadistic end. You can read through the whole thing here.

It has everything in it, but I’ll be selecting some choice items.

The Order of the Nine Angles (O9A) are a Satanist group who infiltrates and takes over ‘extremist’ organizations. Whether they be Islamist, Fascist, Communist, it doesn’t matter. What attracts them is that these groups have violent potential. Satanists are edgy goth kids, but O9A takes it a step further than just slitting your wrists. While most ‘Satanists’ are homosexuals, weirdos and leftists, the O9A rightly identifies the POZ is the world hegemon. It isn’t edgy or contrarian to shove dildos up your butt and advocate for gay marriage. What IS edgy is terrorism, opposing the neoliberal establishment, and most of all - Hitler, Nazism, the Swastika, and white ‘racism’.

They adopt ‘perspective roles’ to infiltrate these groups and take on the persona of an ideologue. Essentially wannabe sociopathy. They’ll speak the lingo of the group they’re infiltrating, adopt the general philosophy, but of course they try to subvert it. Why? Because they want the energy of the group to become ‘sinister’. They want the idealism of Fascism/National Socialism to degrade into utter hopelessness, nihilism and pointless hatred. There is nothing wrong with Hate, but Hate comes from Love. Without love of one’s people, nation, race, etc, then hate simply becomes misanthropic and useless. E.g, O9A Satanists posing as NatSocs will wield the Lemming theory - but twist it to eventually suggest all lemmings must be killed (or most of them), because they are ‘complicit with the system’ for not rising up.

Obviously the Lemming theory doesn’t advocate for this. Lemmings are eternal, they can’t help what they are. So why do Satanist infiltrators want to push NatSocs into hatred for normal people? Because of the book ‘Iron Gates’. Iron Gates is a book that celebrates collapse, but instead of a race war to save your own kind, it advocates for anarchy/chaos and an apocalyptic scenario of sadists hunting down and torturing anyone and everyone. It has scenes of pedophilia, child-murder and other sick shit. The end goal of Satanist infiltrators for Fascist/NS groups is to wait for collapse and then go around murdering/torturing innocent people in a bloodbath. They’re sadists yes, but it also has a batshit side to it. Satanists (like in Atomwaffen who advocate for the book Iron Gates) want to become ‘Noctulians’. Noctulians are psychic vampires, and the process of becoming one is hollowing out the individual’s empathy, sympathy, whatever that makes them Human. The mass murder of ‘the frail whites’ (like in their poster) will herald their ascension into Noctulians. It’s real life 40k Chaos LARP.

Tempel ov Blood are the people behind Atomwaffen’s infiltration. Brandon Russell, the leader who wasn’t a Satanist, got replaced by ToB affiliates, who then turned the organization. ToB are an O9A nexion.

How did Fascists in Atomwaffen get fooled like this? Satanists created an atmosphere of complete irony, humor where they gently introduced degeneracy like homosexual porn, over-the-top fedposting, and such to veil real statements. Whenever Satanic stuff was posted it was all a meme srsly guys. So it filtered through. They kept forcing blackpills to break down the initial idealistic, life-affirming motivations of its members to turn them more sadistic. ‘Kill your local drug dealer’ became ‘Thank your local drug dealer, population control’. Charles Manson became the head figure, with leading Satanists saying he was better than Hitler. Satanic/O9A stuff was all over the place, but of course it was just a meme.

They then introduced ToB "literature" printed directly from their publishing house ‘Martinet Press’, like Iron Gates, O9A books Hostia, etc. You can see that on Siege Culture.

Original Post
Part 2

Forward from: Bowl Tards
This is Drengr the kike's RACE FIRST! campaign.

He and his Krypteia channel that he admins with a bunch of other jewish satanists are now promoting RACE MIXING (BLEACHING) to lighten up mixed race mongrels like Drengr.

Bleaching is pouring Nordic blondes into some half breed niggers gene pool to lighten his brown kids up. Great for the mongrel. Devastating for the dwindling population of pure Whites in the world.

Oh sure, you sacrifice beautiful pure blooded White women to do so but the mongrel gets a little lightened up. But it's big win for the quarter jewish mongrels like Drengr.

None of this makes sense until you understand Drengr has a jewish grandfather. This is why he and his puppet channels are pushing race mixing to destroy the White race so he can lighten up their own jew poisoned bloodline.

New channel link is up;

Read the last part slowly.

"Is western ideology, values, and society a festering fucking cancer to our species? You ARE DEAD FUCKING RIGHT! "

This is why they want to kill off half of all White people in order to accomplish their goals of "Evolution".

Their brand of Satanism is just as bad as jewish Satanism. Except the fact is Jewish satanists actually control a lot more, and have way more power and influence and will kill off these people just as much as they'd kill us off.

We have to stamp out these faggots from our ranks, or they will drag us down completely.

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