Farruh Developer

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Dasturlash foundation to’liq kursi

Assalom alaykum qadrli dasturchilar va bo’lajak dasturchilar, bu kursimiz dasturlash asoslarini to'liq qamragan bo'lib, unda siz barcha dasturlash tillarida mavjud bo'lgan code larni yozishni, ularni nima ekanligini tushunishni o'rganasiz va dasturlash olamiga birinchi sayohatingizni amalga oshirasiz, bu sayohat judayam qiziq va yangi sarguzashtlarga boy bo'ladi. Bu kursda olgan bilimlaringizni siz istalgan mashhur dasturlash tillarida qo'llab ko'rishingiz mumkin 👇🏻


Hello my students

Hit the like button 😅✊🏻

There are a lot of my web project videos only for my students 👇🏻


Ps : share this link with your groupmates

Tepadegi narsani misol sifatida tushuntirib beraman

Ikkita odam bor, ikkalasini umri ham rizqi ham bir xil bo’lsin. Biri 60 yil ishladi va shu 60 yilda 60 yilga yetadigan riqzini ishlab topdi, lekin o’zi ustida ishlashga vahti qomadi. Bir odam bor 10 yil ishladi va 60 yilga yetadigan rizqini ishlab topdi. U shunda 50 yil vahtni o’zi uchun tejab qoldi va o’zini ustida ishlash uchun va foydali ishlar uchun sarfladi.

Shuning uchun Allohdan rizqingiz va vahtingizga baraka so’rang, ilm ham ibodat, o’zi ustingizda ishlab ilm o’rganishingiz ham ibodat, siz ilm talabida bo’lsangiz Alloh o’zi siz uchun vahtni barakali qib qoyadi. Boshqalar 24 soat ishlab topadigan rizqni siz 1 soatda topadigan bo’lasiz. Shuning uchun doim ilm talabida bo’ling :)

Insonni rizqi o’zgarmas, tug’ilishidan oldin yozib qo’yilgan bo’ladi. Lekin bu rizqni qay yo’lda va qancha vahta topish bu insonga bog’liq 😅

Bazilar bor umr bo’yi ishlab rizqini topadi, bazilar bor ishlamasdan turib rizqi o’zi keladi, bazilar bor riqzi bir xil ammo biri bu rizq uchun 20 yil ishlidi, bazilar bu rizq uchun 1 yil ishlidi.

Shuning uchun Allohdan rizqni ziyoda qilishini va barakali bo’lishini so’raladi :)

Alloh baraka beraman disa 3 yilda siz butun umrizga yetadigan rizqi topib qoyasiz va uni tog’ri ishlatsangiz, qolgan vahtda dam olasiz, pulingiz o’zi pul ishlab topadi

This channel is created for people who have beautiful mind and appreciate beauty of nature

Just join if you want to become creative

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I cannot stand without laughing every time I watch this video. I just want to get to the point, subscribe subskrabayb scribe subcrabara my channel 🤣


Most importantly, I want to write my posts in english for some reasons. First of all, I should improve my english into next level because of my future projects and goals. After that, this channel is created for special people who know english well. In other words, it is not a secret that programmers who considered themselves as professional have to know english. Although I got 7 from IELTS thanks to my outstanding teacher @ieltswithsardorbek, I have to admit my grammer is awful. So, I am sorry for english mistakes in advance. Last thing I want to say that I am about to pass SAT exam.

As result of this there is no way to speak in Uzbek (joke) 😅


Firstly, I want to introduce myself for new subscribers in here. My name is Farrux and I am web programmer. In addition to this, I have been teaching programming over four years in several education centers, especially Target IT School and I have more than 100 students. Moreover, thanks to youtube, I am able to share my precios knowledge over 800 people. It is the fact that I lost my old channel due to some problems. Therefore, I open this new channel in order to continue to share my knowledge with my students. First of all, I want to upload my previous youtube videos in this channel . This is because the vidoes are very useful and considered base of programming.

I hope you enjoy this channel and do not forget to share my post with your friends and acquintances


Assalamualaikum my dear friends and students

I decided to open my own blog to share my experience and useful tips for programming, english, IELTS, SAT so on, so fourth. I hope that it will be helpful for you

Bismillahir rohmanir rohim

14 last posts shown.


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