Forward from: 甚〃𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗽𝘀 yorα .𝗰ꮻ𝗺
April 23th 2000, a handsome man was born into this world. His name is Lee Jeno. He can charm people with his sweet smile. Damn, i smiled when i imagined his smile. And today is his birthday, so let's give him the best wishes! and happy birthday too for Lee Jeno rp ers especially Alaskar, Jenodhio, Tobias, Jevano, Joel, Ardito, Dharma, Khalil, Arkin, Juno, George, Abiyan, Lino, Brayden, Jero, Beval, Aksarna, Dewangga, Seno, Hadar, Samu, Radin, Jeran, Khajeno, Sabima, Ganzo, Jecko, Jiref, Jergan, Hadar and for all Lee Jeno rp ers, enjoy your day, boy! bagi bagi kuenya leh gak..